Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Dec 20, 2014.

  1. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    Kingdoms at Promo
  2. Slightly making me like you with this post. But only slightly
  3. Re: [PROMO] HTE

  4. Shut up dumbass. Nobody likes you
  5. Noob rage? Noob rage.
  6. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    What if ppl are running a eb ?
  7. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    *Shaking my head* at Devs.
    Wow, you guys couldn't even make it 12 hours without getting money.
    You guys are addicted.
    You should seriously seek professional help.

    Anyway, Happy "Extra Gold - Empty Your Wallet - Spend All Your Holliday Bonus" Weekend everyone !
    Courtesy of the Devs.
  8. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    So... The clans that run one last promo eb at 11:29 pm, will be kicked off instantly for the maintenance? And when other promo ebs fail because of the maintenance, what happens then ?

    I would assume all eb timers will be suspended during the maintenance, but the maintenance thread doesn't mention it.

    Looks like a good chance of a "Compensation Promo" on Monday. Haha.
  9. I hope the devs are actually listening to us. Maybe then they'll stop freaking suffocating us with these "promos"!

    I've even contemplated making a thread about it. But you know... Dem trolls tho.
  10. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    So, you either agree this event is a Greed Super Bowl or you're a dev suck up....


    I've said this a thousand times. ATA is a business. If the hundreds of you want to spend money to get ahead...why not capitalize on that?

    Regardless of the negative comments made here, this is fact:

    • Smaller players grow faster on HTE/ROTWB.

    • Bigger players are rewarded for their growth by making more gold than smaller players. It should be that way.

    • Paying to get ahead is how ATA is able to have a development team, support team, and provide us with updates.

    I know you would all like to have a level playing field, and be able to get huge for free. That is just not how the real world is.

    You can do HTE/ROTWB for free. Some players even offer FFA pots. If you don't like the way it is, do some haunts and watch the player base surpass you.

    It's how life is.
  11. No support thats right devs chase more ppl away greedy ass game.i agree if the devs really cared they would included the other ebs that are free instead of pay to play
  12. :lol: :lol: I love how the Moderator and the VK are, like the only ones who are trying to defend the devs!
  13. You DO realize that you can get seals free? Dude, nobody's forcing you to pay, and the Shark eb is a joke. Also, Dat GRAMMAR!!

    Ty devs! :D time to use my crux chest
  14. Must be a dev

  15. I'm more laughing at the lack of understanding than defending ATA.

    I hope someday you can master the art of small business, and hire a staff and give away all your **** for free, make no profit, and still magically pay your staff.

    God speed.
  16. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    No one on here is been forced to pay as you play. You all downloaded the game and got addicted for whatever your reasons are and have made loads of new friends along the way. If your not happy paying to play then do as I do and only spend what you see fit or afford. If your still not happy then delete game and find one where you don't need to pay as you play. Good luck finding a game where you don't have to spend.

    Happy Christmas and happy new year
  17. For those complaining about paying for seals, just think about how much you can actually do in this game for free.

    Without having to spend a dime at any point when playing, you have a fully functioning, non-ad supported war, adventure, social and building game. Is that really something to complain about?
  18. Well apart from the terrible scroll drops. Thats broken ;)
  19. Willy you silly boy! Did I say they should give their products away for free? No. Lack of understanding? Been playing for four years, I know a thing or two about ATA by now. I was merely supplying my opinion and apparently I'm not the only one that thinks that the devs are going over board with these "promotions". I understand though pal, you pretty much have to defend ATA.
  20. People understand it's a business Willy, as everyone says every time a promo comes out. But you know aswell as I do they can pay every wage in their business off the LB's that maintain their spot. Players have spent more than $20,000 in a week lol. The directors probably order this promo whenever they want a 6 figure cheque.

    Tell me That's a lie.