Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 19, 2014.

  1. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    #free kaw_creative
  2. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    No normal haunt for those who cant afford to buy seals?
  3. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    You can't afford to buy 6 sodas in one week? Thats practically the price of a seal. If you can't afford a seal you really shouldn't be wasting your time on a game and should be out looking for a job.
  4. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    Hell yeah *****. Gonna get me some bonus HTE! 

  5. Re: [PROMO] HTE

  6. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    People tend to forget that this May be a game but it is still a business so money has to be made. Keep it up devs loving every bit off this.
  7. I've noticed a trend on this thread. Everyone who supports it are noobs who farm hte.

    It's great how a person can start today and pay for 6 months of hte, and they will be bigger than people who've been playing 2-4 years.

    Genius I tell you let's piss off the long term players. They've only worked there keesters off for nothing. Thank you devs you give me a reason to continue playing.

    Rant over, Good day.
  8. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    Might as well make this a 24/7 type thing like you did with the "promo" HTE ;)
  9. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    Work? It's a game. You play for fun, if you are playing to win and only to win like you are suggesting, you don't deserve to be at the top. This gives noobs the chance to catch up and actually have an impact on the game. You always hear about oh war on zaft war on se war war on apoc etc but no shits are given for the smaller clans fighting. I think it's fair to give newer players and low tier players like me to catch up and have fun instead of sitting back watching the big players have their fun because they heard of the game 2 years before we did. Also, this helps improve the game as devs get more money from xtals. So unless you don't want the game to expand and get better, stop posting like you are and actually think about other people.
  10. Can we replace the Red Apparition picture with a cat cafe instead?
  11. And make it so we can hit items with cat food.
  12. ATA low on funding?
  13. I heard rumor that after promo there will be upgrades to the high lands to lvl 5 . So im playing it safe n hv banked a few bronze bars awsy just incase
  14. devs please lift the xstal limit
  15. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    Can someone have a positive reply about a big promo? Kaw , u cant make all players happy, but at least u try! ty for promo️more happy when promo like this starts!
  16. If new lands come out I will _________ (verb) my _________ (noun) !!!
  17. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    They gonna extend it 
  18. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    Zombie you will hug your mother ? Nice !
  19. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    Zoomboom* my bad bud
  20. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    No you dumbo he's gonna verb his noun