You need to decide what you want. You was complaining how you don't make gold from pvp. Now you are complaining because people don't hit you back and you don't lose gold. Or your problem is not with people not hitting you but with people not hitting generally speaking? If its second why do you care how others chose to play? They play their game, you play yours. Is that simple. Anyway i went waaay off-topic. On-topic: thanks devs for giving me 50% more gold for my $6. Hopefully these promos will happen more often.
Devs should lower the cost of seals during these promos. Players would benefit and ata would make more $ in sales
On topic where i first posted, ty sealers spending your hard earned cash for hte. And i didnt ask for gold vlad. I asked for the incentive devs promised. To bring back pvp like the devs promised.
"Sorry guys, a bug in BL has been detected. From now until tomorrow, it'll be deleted. Thank you for your patience." 3 days later.... "Cough cough cough."
I agree with Vlad... I've been around 4 years and haven't needed any incentive. They have helped PvP by tweaking mechanics too. I can't say the majority of the players do pvp . The forums do not represent the majority of all the players in the game.
Oh hey guys here's an awesome new promo, yet another. Allow us to jerk you around some more and offer you some nice 50% plunder with it. Oh but wait, we like to wait until you players sap away all your xstals on our other non promo end, and only then we like to drop the bomb that the promo has started. Did we mention your xstal cap limit is still 24. Gotcha fools! Sincerely yours, The Devs. That's how you should post to forums Kc. I like my B.S. to be presented to me straight forward, directly. You bush beating lackey (s)
DUE TO POPULAR DEMAND??? Bs.. stop it.. check thread of hte rotwb tt. People demanded 2x/3x ambush haunting origins. No one asked u for this. Crap work u guys are doing.. you are forcing peeps to leave kaw. Every promo is based on hte/rotwb. Do 2x/3x eb stop this bs now.
I enjoy bonus hte, however there is always going to be people who, for whatever reason do not want to pay or can't, atbthis moment in. Time. What would be a shame is if thosr people quit beforee they get into a position to buy seals. I would also consider changing rotwb to the depraved to make horns worth somethingclose to value.
PvP? Please devs increase the foundation on which this game was made. Noob tears. I don't want to see monsters. I want to see victory screens from the 200m hits on PvP. Take a little time and cater to the mass need of PvP. We all want it, we all have screamed for it, you know we need it. Stop with the ebs and focus on something worth Kaws time. The Community DEMANDS it. Ty [end rant]