[PROMO] Happy New Years HTE Promo

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Dec 31, 2015.

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  1. #myhero
  2. Very poor promo!!!

    WoW devs amazing attempt at a promo!!! Can't help but say most were expecting more in terms of a thank you for everyone spending tons of money this last year. No Nob Sale? No Crux Sale? No ZTA? Maybe less events and get back to making Kaw a outstanding game would be a good thing to put on the todo list for 2016.
  3. you guys are so ungrateful :roll:
  4. Brilliant comment!


  5. These guys are the customers....every right to complain if they want to
  6. Any no limit on crystal?!?! Why thank you!!!!
  7. I would like this if devs would give me the xtal deal ;)
  8. Complaining won't change a thing though, other than pressurising the devs.
  9. This game is so played out
  10. Thanks for the Crystal lock during a 50% promo forcing me not to spend.... Now I can spend that money in another game ... Happy New year 
  11. Have a great year deves well appreciated
    。 。。
    Happy New Year!
    。。 。。
    。 。 
  12. Thanx a lot ATA!!!
  13. Resolution for 2016
    1. ON EARNING:
    Never depend on single income. Make investment to
    create a second chance.
    If you buy things you do not need, soon you will have to sell things you need.
    3. ON SAVINGS:
    Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving.
    Never test the depth of a river with both feet.
    Do not put all eggs in one basket.
    Honesty is a very expensive gift. Do not expect it from cheap people.
    7. Past is a waste paper, present is a newspaper, and future is a question paper. Come out of your past, control the present, and secure the future.
    8. When bad things happen in your life, you have three choices. You can either let it define you, let it destroy you or you can let it strengthen you.
    9. Our eyes are in the front because it is more important to look ahead than to look backwards.
    10. We use pencil when we were young, but now we use pens. Do you know why? Because mistakes in childhood can easily be erased, unlike now.

    Wish you a prosperous 2016.
  14. My resolution is to ignore my sister.
  15. The old HTE promo's were 150% right? Or am i getting to old for this ****?

  16. Hearing chaos preach about taking risk while being an osw runner makes me chuckle.
  17. @Devs, thanks btw, great promo, maybe would have been better timed through the week though. You have completely destroyed this pvp weekend. The timing is ridiculous.

    The only people making decent progress are ones hitting their own osf's.

    I won't be using any xtals in this blitz, there just isn't enough people to use them on.
  18. I think next weekend you should double the pvp awards to compensate for your lack of foresight and consideration for those that look forward to the blitzes, not the mind numbing hypnosis of the Repeat Action button.
  19. Becuz zta is a promo...
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