Discussion in 'Guides' started by Proditer, Sep 27, 2014.

  1. Please update with a WC guide.
  2. Can't edit the original post anymore. And I don't have enough time. The best advice from me at the moment is to ask a war commander with experience.
  3. Great guide. Wish I found this earlier.
  4. You're forgetting the SS can also be used by a tracker, if not using harrions app
  5. Very nice
  6. Very well done thread, cheers op :mrgreen:
  7. Thank you very much! Been looking for something like that for awhile now

  8. I need to make sure I understand this. So a hybrid can attack (using troops not spies) a hansel with no gold out, even if thirty troops are zeros? Does the hansels spies need to be above 25%?
  9. bump for a friend
  10. Its mass xtal not group xtal.

    You left out mole, leak, leech, waving and inactives. All very important in ee wars.
  11. Bump for clan mate 
  12. Lots of very helpful info!! This just answered all of my questions. Tysm. And merry christmas
  13. Should also add Wave into this guide.
  14. The OP of this thread is inactive now, and I believe some of the info has changed/can be added to.

    In any case, if someone with knowledge wants to remake/repost this with any new changes, that would be great.