PRO background glitches Top 100 Quetzal Banner

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by ajp473, May 15, 2014.

  1. Propacks are IAPs which boosts a particular stat, along with free xtals and speakers. After buying a propack, you get a yellow background on your avatar/banner. Also, the top 100 collectors in the Great Quetzal Hunt were rewarded by ATA with the Banner of the Great Quetzal, currently the strongest in the game. Most of these "top 100" also bought a propack at some point.

    Now, the bug. Take for example PandaGeorge, who has bought the propack and recieved the Banner. This is his/her avatar when viewed in Profile.[

    As you can see, the Banner has white contours. This Banner is actually the original banner, the first one devs had designed.

    Now, looking at his/her equipment, this is his/her banner.

    What? The picture is now the second design, released after several "top 100" complained about the first, citing similarity to the other banners recieved in Tier 7.5 and 8.5, taking away the purpose of the supposed special banner.

    To conclude, the PRO background affects the Banner of the Great Quetzal, reverting the changes made by ATA.

    Supporting evidence (Metallicana, top 100, no propack):


    Conflicting evidence (erus, top 100, propack):

    I don't know what erus did. I think he bought the propack AFTER receiving the banner.


  2. I think ee is what made reverting and not pro packs bro
  3. I can't view any of the pictures. Can you update with correct bb code please. [im g]imageurl[ /img] <- no spaces
  4. Sorry I missed very bottom
  5. at least I think that's whats happening
  6. Well if we could see what you are talking about someone might be able to agree with you...

    Fail thread is a fail :lol:
  7. Hmm what device It look like that on? Im on kindle and banners show up great. Not even a squat box around it. Just banner
  8. Square not squat
  9. plz look at those peeps I mentioned
  10. They look perfectly fine on my kindle. Nothing like your pics show at all