
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Imitation-Cheese, Feb 11, 2016.

  1. You are right. The mind reading and memory implant is still very much in its infancy. But it has been done. But do you agree that eventually the way you described it will happen? I mean, we didn't get to wireless cell phones from the start. Everything was hard-wired before. Same thing with charging - even that's wireless now. Is it a stretch to say that eventually, mind reading and memory implantation will be possible wirelessly?

    And you haven't commented on any of the other content. Are you OK with the rest of it, or do you think data mining and analysis has gone too far when it comes to human thought and behavior?
  2. I do want to comment on one aspect that in my opinion is a huge factor towards this topic..

    That is.. People are becoming predictable.. Most of us are living very predictable lifestyles.. Let's peel this a bit first.. Then we'll tie back to how that contributes to Privacy..

    First.. Let's put aside the Power of Mathematics for a bit.. Yes, the field of say Heuristic Analytics and Chaotic Analytics are becoming highly advanced by the day.. And Since Don Draper types started using them in the last century, powerful forces are being applied to analyze and predict our behaviours..

    Cheese's spending behaviour in KaW, represented as a strange behaviour (That's an actual Diff Eq term)

    Still with me?. Ok..

    Let's' also put aside all the advances in Biosciences for a bit as well.. Everything from Advances in Behaviour Psychology to Genetics Analytics to Molecular morphology in Neurosciences to Pharmaceuticals (Yes, both the over the counter and the "This is Choco..from the Hartz mountains in Bavaria" kinds..

    Same concept.. The biological sciences have advanced quite rapidly where they can analyze, predict and shape your behaviour at the synapse and DNA levels.. But let's put that aside for a sec..

    KaW nurse between events..

    Ok.. Let's put one more "excuse" aside as well.. I call this the "Video Game Environment" factor.. Basically when you play video games (even the "free roam" ones), the fact is the environment you interact in is relatively limited..

    But the illusion is high..

    Our modern physical world has become very similar.. For example, you go to the mall.. The physical environment you traverse is relatively limited or "new".. You do same physical traversal routines in most days..

    A typical limited traversal physical environment at the mall

    I assume I've lost most readers already.. But for one or two Immitation cheese omelette brains who are still reading.. Let me get to the point..

    We all still have FREE WILL.. Yet we are succumbing to the powerful forces of modern science that have arrayed themselves with evil SnM (That's Sales and Marketing dear mods..) enterprises to sell you stuff to consume..

    Predictably.. Reliably.. Consume..

    ...and we complain about Privacy..

    Modern Sales and Marketing Siren.. Luring you into predictable behaviours

    My point is this.. Live a life that's worth protecting your privacy about first.. Then protect your privacy.. Exercise your free will..

    Stop going to the grocery store every Wednesday where you go the exact isles in exact order and buy the exact things..

    Stop doing a lot of things in your life where the other person/app tells you "Would you like the usual?"..

    Discover and appreciate complexity and chaos on things rather than consuming the most basic but comfortable human experiences.

    Live a life worth protecting your privacy.. and protect your privacy..

    Live shot of Cheese's bed room right meow..
  3. Wow, thanks, Ashes. I better leave work so I can analyze and interact that girl's behavioral data. 

    But you made some really good points. But I don't think it's fair to expect people who prefer routine to change their behavior in order to have a life "worthy" of privacy.

    I believe that privacy should be a right. Not absolute privacy, but I feel there ought to be sacred havens where our behavior is safe from analysis.

    For example, our search patterns, contacts and location data. We should be free to roam the world without being recorded. And especially in our homes.

    If one company wants to track my buying behavior, that should be their right, but I don't think they should be allowed to share that data with anyone.

    I just found out that the California Registrar of Voters sells voter data, including name, address, political party, phone number, email address and how you voted.

    Everything about us is being pilfered and offered for sale. It's insane, really.
  4. Yes.. "Worthy" may be the wrong word.. I just find it funny that people do the most repetitive, predictable behaviours and experiences and then get indignant about it when sciences predict them and shove things to buy in their face..

    I fundamentally agree that privacy is one of the core of humanity.. It is an integral part of our healthy psyche.. And should be protected the best we can in this increasingly penetrating world of data, analytics and marketing driven world..

    One Balancing point I use is Convenience vs Data Leak/Collection/Privacy..

    For example, I hate filling out forms.. I have no prob turning certain things on at certain times (say location data) so that the device can fill them out or put that data in without me having to type it in..

    Where is that balancing point in society? I don't know.. I think it's an individual calibration that we all have to adapt to..

  5. NICE job ashes. We are collectively becoming one dimensional. We just need real walls now lol. So any thoughts on collective consciousness? Or is it all nonsence and paranoia? ;-)