PrimeTime's Ally Broker Business

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Kotrizo, Feb 1, 2013.

  1. Great service. I highly recommend it
  2. How hard is it to search for your own? How lazy can the community get
  3. Recommended support, bump
  4. Puss in boots, you are very small in stats so you do not realize the importance of getting the best allies when you are spending 100bil on an ally.
  5. Great dude thanks :)
  6. Support
  7. I'm a pretty good ally trader as well, as they all sell within 24 hrs of me buying
  8. Am a fantastic ally trader, hire mine, and wait you see what happens, 
  9. Please do not post about yourself selling allies in my thread. Make another if you wish. Thank you.
  10. Thought I should bring the orginal actual ally broker business back up. ;)
  11. Bump. Nice post keep it up
  12. How about this waste of at stops getting bumped
  13. Find me an active 9.2m cs Hansel for 500b