Primal Wars - sh edition

Discussion in 'Wars' started by VaIarMorghulis, Oct 14, 2014.

  1. My build and bfa were much harder to earn than your account, if anything on this game can be considered hard, it surly isnt growing an sh lol. A two week build then just buy allies cause you earn tons on eb lol soo hard. Try getting bfa with 5m in sdt, noob sh.

    Amd leaving thread now unless im referenced. Best of luck in exploiting your rosters to finish out the season.
  2. Re: Primal Wars - 12mcs and below

    Vamp no need to leave.
    Sh build unless you pay money take more than 2 weeks to make and once again if you dont spend money on seals still takes just as long if not longer.

    5m in bfa = 100k cs so if you want 5m attck thats about 500b which takes a while making 34m a hit on regular haunting.

    Secondly I guarantee you vamp that every single roster you have is "exploiting." The same way that sh/lb rosters did. You roster certain builds because that combination beats any other. All the builds in these wars exploit because they use a certain amount of towers or other factors.

    This thread is not going where i want it to go. I dont really care about your hatred for sh's. Take it to another thread. This thread is not specifically about them. Unless you have questions about this please refrain from commenting Thanks.
  3. You have no right to ask us to leave if on topic bud. What you suggest is fixing a matchup in a dev ran system. It's not your place to say who gets an opinion on your open forum thread. Quite frankly with you being the owner in both clans it breaches the rule of one account in a warring clan!!

    If your sissy build mechs are getting pushed out of usefulness then adapt again
  4. I actually am adapting front, im taking the initiative and setting up wars rather than sit there and cry about it for the whole season

    And actually im pretty sure i can ask you to leave my thread in which case you would be required to. However im not. Im not like that i encourage feedback i just dont care for the hatred toward sh that has no affect/effect towards this and does not contribute anything to the thread.
  5. That is true! The thread is indeed not about the builds. And would be off topic.
  6. Sh suck :ubergeek:
  7. I would love to be able to open this up to other builds under 13-14 mcs however as i stated earlier - its much easier to wc do targets for hansels in my opinion
  8. Then not a very good wc then. Also I can post on any thread I want to not much you can really do about since I am breaking no rules.

    Second this is exploiting to fix matches. Which is against what devs have said is wrong. You are casting to match each other and take turns wining wars so with a potential of winning 18 medals a day with low effort
  9. SH, Gh all the same you build upon a exploit which ruin war for everyone, then complain the exploit is removed...

    No one can play fair and that's just sad shameful really.
  10. Actually you cant prove we are casting to math each other. Both clans just cast the same builds and same ##'s in cs. And actually no its not an easy 18 medals lol. I said id run 1 -2 wars a day which doing 1 is pretty hard to do.
    Also throw matches? How can i throw matches if they are i dont know who i will match.
    You are right, i may be a bad wc' im new to primals and new to wc'ing in general.

    Cloud please leave my thread before i require a moderator to tell you to leave it.

    Wolfie - nobody here is crying ty.
  11. Who said anything about taking it in turns to win wars?
  12. Support revoked.

    I won 7 indi in a row until Val sabotaged my dreams of Olympic, err, EE gold.

    "oh we lost" was first comment in cc last war. Followed by "ill track...", DOH!


    Just for that i hate all SH.
  13. Support, as devs don't seem to be able to match people with any sort of accuracy, mainly because they are using drunk UN paid interns to do matchup (just guessing), I guess it's up to the community to try and make matches that are competitive.
  14. Get a mod. Gl on that
  15. Support let's see it
  16. No support. Lame. Open to exploit. Yawn.
  17. Support, i need war clan too. Please wall me
  18. Down with the sh
  19. Support need prim wars as i havnt been able to war or get a dam nm in round and indi based on luck so would like a chance to war in primal