Discussion in 'Wars' started by REJ__NEGOTYPE__ECT, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. Primal wars suck for bfa / bfe builds like mine. :(
    ˝No Support"
  2. No support
  3. Support but .... There is no point after maxing all building ..... Allies only for osw and eb .... Might lose a lot of player if u ask me ️ jus my opinion
  4. I like the concept, but there's going to be a lot of complaining, my suggestion is to mix it up all week. Have your regular wars (bfa and bfe included) scatter in some iWars, and a few primal wars. This should appease the masses to some degree.
  5. I hope indi and primly wars stay there a great part of the game making it easy for everyone to participate no matter about build, bfa, bfa
  6. Terrible. I've spent so much money/time building BFA and BFE I can't use now? Why war for Bfe I can only use PVP?? This is terrible.
  7. Your allies are **** and your equip is sub par , be quiet.
  8. U can talk Phron? we all start somewhere...
  9. I've noticed a lot of clans are still recruiting SH :/
  10. if noobs stopped abusing LB and sh rosters then there would be no need for primal wars. however 90 percent of the clans do it. primal wars needed to be done, its the only way to stop the abuse of sh. same ppl complaining more are the
  11. same ppl that were complaining about sh stackers
  12. Love primal wars
  13. I actually dislike these primal defeats the purpose of once build complete, buying allies have no purpose then nor does all these equipemenr hunts and so forth
  14. Whats the point in growing bfa for crap wars whwre its useless, silly devs, loosing lots of $$$
  15. Cor u know better then most that bfa serves many more purposes then ee alone ..... It's a dev controlled tourney .. That have to do something to make it so that the majority of kaw players can compete at a somewhat level playing field

    A lot of games do not let u used earned gear or upgrades in tourney Pvp style combat it's too difficult to regulate the massive disparities to create even fighting fields
  16. Primal wars = pointless.
  17. I've liked them so far and with a 6-2 record, been fairly successful. There have been some good close matches as well. Of course noobs on a losing streak will slam it.
  18. No point to primal war. Just tap tap
  19. give us indi wars only there the max
  20. Indi wars are better bc they give all builds a chance to war