Lol warring for equip u can't even use and all the bfa u worked so hard for .devs epic fail .no thanks
Devs going start handing out pacifiers soon. Love seeing stacking clans whine while they've ****** over an entire community for almost two years Selfish dicks
Won't post my full message. ? My suggestion: Put equip and their levels on a tier based on their raw stats. (Example: Eventide Mace lvl 10 has 37,400,00 atk. With 6k/6k/ 8k/ 8k/ stats, your only allowed lvl 0 stats from mace. As you grow, higher lvls are unlocked.) They use something similar for upgrading castle, unlocking new lands, etc. Have to get to a certain stat to use higher lvls of equip. It would nerf SH build problems in EE wars. Forces players to upgrade, which evens out the playing field. I have seen players drop their build to teir 1 buildings to avoid being hit to not lose trillions they have saved, etc. But all their equip (EE or otherwise) is active and maxed out. They could literally decimate any player around their raw stats. Having equip stats raise or lower based on raw stats would IMO would solve exploiting the game mechanics. Exploiting the game mechanics.
Yes, there will be issues stacking tower high builds. Yes, there is a definite disadvantage to ssh/sh builds. Yes it kinda sucks that ur gear u have worked hard to get is a non-factor, and yes, all the gold spent beefing up BFA is now null on void (for these wars). It's just something different...a true brute war...but still tactical.
Lmfao @ any stacking clans complaining about "how hard" they worked smashing mids with 3/4/5 lb . Are ******* kidding me? LOL
This doesn't bother me too much as I don't have good BFA but all the people that have spent thier time to get more and better allies is now wasted as it has no affect you seem to be annoying people with your best source of income
No support at all. I've been playing for years to build my bfa for war and built my kingdom to work with my bfa. If this is around long, I won't be. What's the point in growing if you can't use it in system wars. That's a big part of the game. Not even sure why I post because I know on not going to get a response.
Is this reaction the equivalent to dropping a few xtals in response to 2-3 BL hits? Overreact much? Frick, even Shadow-Warrior-of-Death thinks this is overreacting It's ONE week of wars, albeit Devs have a history of taking a good thing to far **cough*HTE*cough** but one week does not equal the future of KaW. Besides if you are a good warrior in a good clan of warriors you shouldn't be worried… no?
I love it,this is great format for warrior wo any kind a tower but high attack cs and may b for few ps on roster. Like me many other gonna suck at this format bcz many folks has high attack cs then me or like me and I doubt it that we r able to defend or perform wo bfa/bfe.GJ dev's
To everyone crying- A. It's just one week. B. You've complained about literally everything else. C. Try to think of a better idea.
No Support. So those who are super active for events (for equip you now can't use) and in ebs (to build bfa you can't use) are penalised. Good job on finally admitting you have no idea how to fix this problem properly.
I'm not sure devs know the answer. It's sad they even need to try to find an answer to a problem WE(community) created. It's not even a week. If y'all would have balanced rosters with a mix of all builds, not excluded mids or hansels to build LB and/or SH rosters, we wouldn't be here now. I hear the frustration, and I understand. But maybe best to start pulling the thumbs than pointing fingers? The Community did this, devs are simply trying to solve. The system is broken- but who broke it? That's the question......️