Primal Wars (8/5 - 8/10)

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 2, 2014.

  1. no support to this primal wars waste of time ;)
  2. Lmao those yo kids hide yo wife!

    This is awesome
  3. Big support to no outside hires this gonna be fun
  4. Actually this idea may work
    Most warring clans should be OSW ready and if some clan wants to strip during war they gotta risk keeping their gold out and possibly face a clan that will osw instead of compete in season 4. Or just don't be a DBag and show up and war
    Once again, your choice Not devs
  5. So if i am reading this correctly, 45sec before war countdown i could have some dumb ass put over 1t out on me and only place id ne able to bank it is on opponent roster(provided all their allies arent hidden) or in pots/bb which would in turn cost me a small fortune to unbank to try to get my bfa back after war? devs do you tbink at all before you put new stuff out?
  6. it's awesome

    Can strip people at beginning so they panic
  7. U really think that's the way to get participation up? Make every ee the very real possibility of osw because of this
  8. Lol dy

    Guys. Hide your allies. If you hide your allies and someones trying to game the matchup system by keeping gold out, THEY WILL HAVE NO ONE TO BUY. From your side at least.

    =every incoming attack they lose, they lose big.
  9. Yes this forces everyone to cast another spell, but it is actually a smart move by devs, as they assume you will have allies hidden . If you don't hide allies after this has been implemented then shame on you.
  10. Sure before match up ... But most clans match the same 2-4 clans over and over again how hard is it to ss allies then ? Or just look for clan rosters of people who own each other for the 2 hours before war starts?
  11. I have a ss of almost all the ps who war
  12. I would agree with that if these wars weren't different , I'm going to assume sign ups will increase during these wars.

    If the stacked clans who constantly face eachother want to strip eachother pre war, which may lead to osw, it would probably be good for the rest of us.
  13. most the war clans don't have the balls to strip

    This won't be a real issue
  14. So ee will only be for those that do? Osw clans only? Or clans filled with huge lb no one wants to start trouble with? Letting those with the most gold rule ee ? How do u think participation will be a week or two into after everyone realizes how much ee can truely cost them? For a 1 hour system war? Just the spell alone pre match up let alone anything lost when allies are hired cause u have no where to go to buy now

    U think it's really that hard to keep a simple spread sheet of 15-20 allies of the top 50-60 people u face in ee hopeing for just one chance to totally screw them over?

    Hell I have a note book with pen and paper on all who I ever faced in ee with specific notes about each player I see most often build strengths tactics crystal technics ... Allie spread sheet isn't half that hard to keep .. Real issues won't be in the first week it will be in the weeks that follow
  15. No I don't think it's hard

    I have a file on my desktop of 240 pure spies allies
  16. Exactly ... And how long u think lb are going to like being stuck banking trillions every time they want to ee? They will need those lists to get money put away they couldn't before because now they can't just buy off alts or other clannies they have to buy off Casted people
  17. And that's being generous not eleven mentioning the people who will do it just cause they can or just for fun
  18. I think you're overreacting a bit.