Free mids! Free Hansels!!!! Joking aside, it was refreshing to be able to use this acct again in iwars warring as a sh in clan wars is simply boring and mind numbing. I hope to see all builds able to compete evenly in ewars and think were finally moving that direction
Just thinking back , another small drawback to the set stat tiers is most clans will still not be able to war together .
Why not spilatch? Most of the people that want to war in my clan, are above 18-20m CS. The rest still want to prepare and build towers and such. And that's the least of our problems don't you think lol
Don't get me wrong fonz, I'm not putting your idea down, I think it's a good one. I just think we need a good debate or open dialogue about these ideas. An open dialogue that seems to be non existent with the devs. I swear to god I'm open to anything at this point. Anything. I understand high bfa folks being upset about this as many of them have constructed their builds based on their bfa. I get it. But since devs can't seem to nail this down maybe we should've policed ourselves . Devs let it get this far and so have we.
Fonzyii can't be wro wro wro wrong he's never wrong, but honestly I agree I have pushed for tier or divisions for a long time now and it seems to be system with least loopholes and fair to all builds. The only argument I get back is a lack of participation, but this is the chicken or the egg. Fix the system more will war as this went on far to long many lost faith or converted to gh we all had our allies drop their builds. Fix the system they will war again and grow again. Make the rewards for top tier attractive for people to want to grow. Remove ee transportability to allow people to fill ee clans. Then you could combine these with ee to increase participation anyone outside a clan gets put in clan to war in one of the tiers. Blsh blah blah deaf ears
I really like the idea of leagues for wars. There is such a huge range in stats ATM. It reminds me of all Star Wars! Was so excited to qualify to play. Sadly many friends with much more war experience were excluded. I love to war but as a mid season 3 was a wash for me. Indi wars have been great - I've been blessed with amazing leadership in clans I've been placed in. But it's always a risk. I've missed warring with ppl I know and trust. My biggest question is: how can I prepare for a season coming up based on what we've had for the summer? Why NOT give ideas like from Fonz a shot? Some ppl post forums to get reaction but look at the posts from the people who war all the time. They support the KAW community and keep it going. We have a vested interest in this game too.
Here is a question to all the sh stacking clans and the massive lb/ps clans why can't you police yourselves and stop using them. Instead of adding to the problem why not become the solution.
Scaling is a huge issue in kaw in terms of BFA/bfe. For an example, back when I played Final Fantasy 11 online, static numbers from equipment scaled down if you chose to wear high level equipment in lower level capped events and PvP. This could be easily implemented in kaw by assigning tiers for build CS and adjust BFA/bfe along that scale accordingly, but the major flaw with bfe still is it's weight vs hit ratio factor; which is 0. Both BFA and build CS effect hit range, why does BFE not do the same? It's being added to the matching equation yet only offers a static number which does nothing for plunder or hit range. This was the biggest flaw with including it in matching, which made it the easiest to exploit in S3 and beyond, giving ssh/msh more exploitability by allowing them to be even stronger in raw numbers, yet have no negative impact on plunder leaked. Tl;Dr version: -scale bfe/BFA with build cs, -balance all matching factors equally, -make builds pay their actual strength (with a min/max cap) I'm sure there are a few flaws there, but with so many great ideas that always seem to fall on deaf ears, more and more veterans seem to wander off to greener pastures while the developers sit silent force feeding us promises of improvements and EB events and HTE o'plenty.
In addition to matchmaking as is, you could out in a factor that calculates the difference between the lowest CS and the highest CS. A big difference means you are ranked higher in the matchmaking system getting a tougher opponent. Either another with same average strength and equal difference or a stronger clan with less difference.
I was reading with interest some earlier comments to this thread especially by fonzyii and specifically KC's reply. It's actually quite shocking how little devs know about their game. I will refer you the following thread which I will also bump to active topics: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=164430 In this I go through some detailed plunder tests which found that HFBC can hit down to 12M cs and still expect a reasonable 70% of what they would get paid had they hit same size build: the plunder obtained generally being a function of the percentage difference in build size. With this knowledge, 2-3 tiers would be appropriate: 12+M, and either 6-12/3-6 or a single 4-12M class. I know some trolls will say but what about my new alt or player who just has 3-4M cs. Well in 2014 kaw you should actually try to grow a wee bit so you have actually opened up HL4 for max mith and then you can do war. It's not difficult to grow to that cs now. My guess is less than 1 week of regular play and 3-4M cs could be easily achieved. In any case the tldr is yes tiers can happen. P.S. I still think scaling the usage of new super pots would be an awesome incentive for people to grow their accounts up to at least 12M. P.P.S. I think this new Primal War format is an overzealous overreaction by devs.
I ******* love it! I've spent $1000's on this build trying to get big enough to get a war. Have warred maybe once in the last year but always too small or not enough towers or some rubbish. Thanks to Zolayla for letting me war in my last war 6 months back. Season 1 I dropped to gh from 10mCs. Oh sorry not enough bfa/bfe. Been rebuilding since with no luck. Season 3 I tried again as a mid.... Og/voodoo let me war maybe 20 times, not often selected due to being mid. And now at my size I'm still rejected. I support this 100%. Pre bfe nostalgia now one last thing to change. Keep bfa bonus but make rosters as big as old merc wars. **** they were the ****
I have spent thousands of dollars on my SH account. I got him to top 1500 on ally lb. And 3k overall. You tell me why that's an exploit that he is better than someone with less bfa and bfe. He is now completely useless if these wars continue. I'll have to upgrade on him. SH is not the problem with your terrible war system. /rant
Lots of noobs gonna cry during these wars."I would like 1nob everytime i hear "All on Me" or "my xstal got eaten" this what happens when u take hit restriction off and noobs like sh cant cope with more ppl on them.Get back to inc 2 hr wars too so hansels can war.Hansels still get excluded cause their plunder is usually from kos and theres not enough in 1 hr wars however removing bfa and bfe which is not the solution will mean spy heavy hybrid or ps will be needed to assn need to fix ps issue where u need 1att and 1 spy to war.