Well bloody hell, you've actually gone for it , only took the best part of 2 years suggesting this lol, good on you devs
Time for chinesecannonball build to come back and great_wall will stand tall again recruiting 5m adt and 5m sdt now
Chaos wars almot perfect except for the fact that small builds can't be hit by guys like me. I say change so that any one can hit all stats in war and then you've got a good war and I might just try it as for now small build with high sh can hit me but I can't hit hit them keeps me from even trying wars
Awesome! I feel like this was made just for me, because I complain about BFE and BFA being such a factor in PvP all the time.
1- Worse idea ever!! Not because of stacking lb n sh. (It wont change anything imo. Sh will still help to cut stats and it will cut it even more without bfa and bfe. So now it will be bc people vs non bc people.) But because u completly change the game for wars. Now its more important to bc than to have bfa if u want to participate in ee wars. You can say all that you want that your bfa will still be used for indi and eb but who cares of having bfe and bfa in eb? I ve always thought that it was a mistake to have a strong build without the bfa to back it up now you are encouraging it! And finally you are completly ruinning the game for people who worked hard on their build and bfa since first season removing the leak of their build one by one and adding strength slowly. 2- Change adv! Try something else for clan wars, you are saying it will be you and your clan and just about skills so give us something else or rotate. Adv is the type of war that needs the less skills.
Actually Chris you just hit the nail on the head- EE will encourage growth - Thats exactly what KaW needs to return to doing And yes SH could still be used to stack rosters, but not any use when their hit range is normal and they cant hit above mid range means... god forbid... clans would have to use mids
Agreed vixen , it might take a few no matches to fiddle with clans rosters but mids should find themselves warring more, large hansels too maybe as the top guys will be less successful using bfa to ass other attack builds etc. should be fun finding out and variety is always good
Absolutely not vixen but we will see. It wont take long to show this. And of course propacks still count. This is hilarious. Devs wont cut a part of their income for this but cut there players work.
No vix what Chris is saying is that this will FORCE players to change. Not encourage. Players who were building to something based on current rules have just had their legs pulled out from under them. Everyone here thinks that this only effects lb. It moreover effects those who used bfa to balance their build. To hide an edge on another warrior. You talk about this showing who can "really war" what a joke, this just allows those who are too lazy to build bfa or bfe and do nothing but ***** about it to war on a level playing field. Well news flash, war isn't ever based on that.... Easy fix for stacking wars, just increase plunder on sh's and do away with hit restrictions.
This will mean players spending tons of time and money building bfa would've been pointless no one cares about bfa in ebs
Why is it the ones crying are largely those who lose the stacked roster advantage This is a good step forwards. And about time it was trialled. Anyone complaining look in the mirror. It's not the devs fault or the players who wanted honest wars. It's your fault for exploiting the system. So quit your damn crying and accept its another change you will have to get used to. And it if Doesnt suit you. Diddums. Your exploits killed wars for mids and you never have a crap. Turnaround is a ***** ain't it.
If they include bfa leaderboard would destroy everyone, there would be no point in warring because clans would just stack with lb players.
Does not make sense to me. You are pushing these hives like ebs where you r giving new equipment and then doing wars which won't use equipment and bfa?? Please tell us what u guys r smoking. That stuff should be real good. And if you are gonna try this try one war everyday or something like that. Why the hell we need to do it whole week?? Hey make it fun not punishment. I'm not done with your pission drop rates yet and you started this already
The only reason those in stacked clans are moaning is cause they work hard to have bfe and bfa to back up their build, if you are too lazy to put the work in to have an effective ee build why should all that did put the work in suffer. Its a joke tbh. No support at all. This doesnt fix anything its just a direct insult to anyone that has decent bfe and bfa, whats the point of even warring. If bfe doesnt count then why we need the second half of the 2nd set of rancor eq. Its stupid. All they had to do is change the payout of bfe and bfa but instead make many player's hard earned bfa nullified. So now massive noob ee leakers are in the best position. No support its a rude joke. Havent spent money on kaw for over a month, devs are just ruining ee and are just as clueless as before. I feel for the lb they got hit hard. Now they will have to edit builds just to keep warring. Im sure they just wont war, pointless warring.