why ppls say its the end of sh? I remember b4 those all sh roster crash them, most sh already war with poor bfe/bfa together with lb/big buildings. Devs just make a chance to let them come back. The only thing they shall do is find few HFBC buildings with decent towers to join in. Why not devs just set an internal hit ratio for each clan b4 they sign up for EE. So those lb + sh wont be able to get enough hit ratio to sign up. Bigs will have to join bigs to sign up and for sure will face another bigs roster. Middles and smalls do will face the same roster. Btw, its a joke for the stupid hit range that a 5m (cs+bfa) ssh can hit almost 40m big building.
Thanks devs, that's a perfect solution for clan wars Friends finally can war together and enjoy more equal matches. SH, it is time to grow! Oh boy finally towers got a real purpose beside killing eb plunder
I love it high atk high def build is gona rip apart all those tower builds that depend on bee and bfa to hit
Jeesh people its one week of wars to test something different. where does it say this a permanent thing and all wars are now primal wars? You all knew wars would be switched up, you all know its bfa distorting hit ratio's on small builds causing exploits Just think a week no stacked rosters, and as those who opposed Indie wars cried... You can still war with your clannies Every single time test wars are bought out - theres a bunch of tears - how else are changed supposed to be made without testing beforehand And if people are really passionate about EE and want them fixed, they would participate in the wars to help the testing Me personally im excited i can war with my family again, and excited to have to think of new strategies
1. Can we start season 4 already. 2. I think it will make for a better overall experience if there is a mix up of individual and clan wars of different types. 3. It seems the devs cannot fix the match ups issue after all this time. 4. 50/50 individual wars clan wars for season 4 on a rotation basis 1 week clan wars on weekdays then next week on weekends so people have an legitimate chance to do the wars that can. 5. If you don't have a lb clan then just do the individual and the clan wars with no bfa/bfe there should be plenty of options to choose from. 6. End result all clans can still war and members have better chance at equipment and hopefully the overall experience changes for the better for everyone 7. None of this eliminates the lb/sh issue but I guess if it's limited to let's say 6-8 clan war types throughout the week everybody should be happy . 8. I like to remain neutral on these issues sometimes but the lb/sh issue reminds me of when I cut weight for a judo tournament to get into a lower weight class . I never really thought of it as cheating as everyone has equal opportunity to do it. If it is within the framework of the system then it is not a players of that system fault to exploit. Some play a game to win some to have fun . Regardless of your reasons for playing there is no perfect world so it's hard to cast dispersions on others. People need to go whatever pleases them in life. If you want to lb stack then that's your right . If you want to lb/ps stack that's your right . Last time I checked I didn't have to input your bank account information to buy a seal so why should I value your opinion on what I personally feel like doing . Just food for thought. 9. Good luck to all during Season 4 Winter is Coming 10. Prince out #Therecanbeonlyoneprince
I'm lovin it lovin it lovin it! I'm lovin it like this! I can't wait for Primal Wars. Well done. Let's see who the true WARRIORS are that don't hide behind BFA/BFE. Good luck to all who are willing to put your build where your mouth is. At last! An opportunity to shine ️
...finaly i didn't get it, only bfe/bfa that are out? Or the ally bonus also??? And it will only count the attack plinder and steals Coz this will make a big difference in making the roster! :/
I wouldn't have removed equip from the equation though, as we warred to get the equip in the first place