Primal War 20 mismatch - lar Vs gp

Discussion in 'Wars' started by il_jacks-noVASeliNe-MaCHiNE_li, Sep 11, 2014.

  1. SH still work in primal war roster but only 2/3 which lower overall rosters cs but not 10 sh like round stacked roster.
  2. At least you matched. 2 primal nm today.
  3. Gds has been matched with clans that were 200 mil cs bigger and beaten them before ( oh wait- that was against gp! I love you song!).

    We have also been matched against several much bigger than us and lost (kotfe, aeon. Pn).

    Ive given up asking devs to fix this. Eliminating bfa doesn't even help- got matched with kotfe anyway so i stopped using it as a factor. For every clan out there that we hate to match there is a clan that hates matching us. Just gotta tAke our licks and keep going.
  4. I was in last indi war and I was impressed with the match. We lost due to minor leaks. The wc on both sides was great. Good job devs
  5. Savan, what does sh stacking have anything to do with this thread? I was pretty much the smallest LaR member in this war and last i looked i'm far from an sh. Quit derailing to push your own agenda into another's thread.
  6. I think what styles is trying to say is that there is a difference between using very small accounts like SH to get a lower CS match and therefore an advantage...and both sides warring a proper roster of accounts, but being outsized by 25%, that's hard to win vs a real experienced war clan. With that said, it IS better then before...the matches ARE closer, but all I watch now is clans trying to get better matches sooo very hard. Some warring the 20 HFBC tower builds, hoping to be the biggest. The 10 HFBC and 10 hansels. Adding a bunch of PS, a few Suicide SH....anything. Isn't it really sad that as a community we CAN'T HELP but try and roster an advantage? It's human nature I guess, especially when there are "rewards" on the line....
  7. @It burns- I never mentioned any clan bro. Feeling guilty or something?