Primal Mis match ups..No Reply from DEVS so RANT TIME

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Nighthawk_FPBO_1, Oct 23, 2014.

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  1. Too many single letters in your speech, please stop my eyes are starting to bleed.
  2. You obviously didn't read the word MOST in my post.
  3. @Spilatch 
  4. This thread has no input to improve matters

  5. Indi is what everyone cry for move on to chaos 10 vs 10
  6. Only thing I can think of is that by doing primal they took no matches out to get more test results for the system

    Really there does need to be no match when the devs are making matches for us it also cannot be as simple as top clan matches second and so on

    There are wars that are totally bogus matches and are not winnable by the best of wc .. Especially when both clans are decently organized and lead

    By no means does every war need to be a perfect match .. But atleast within the realm of possible would be nice ... The fact that there is seemingly no cs cap to protect the smaller clan and no real matching algorithm other then size order is very discouraging to say the least specially with a system with so much promise to allow a huge variety of builds to participate

    I've had pretty good luck so far in primal and indi this season tho I've warred far less then in the past and much less then most of u .. That being said it is very worrisome for the future of clan based wars if matching continues down this path ... People had lost faith in the system and the devs after 3 seasons and countless tweaks and hopes were very high for primals and still are .. Just hope that the devs don't sit by too long like they did with the gh/sh issue and allow faith to be lost again .. It maybe the end completely after this time around
  7. I think crying about a few mismatches and then proving everyone wrong by going inactive in wars is what hawk does! Not sure if his method is working very well tho...
  8. Well no ones fault but ur own if u only can count up to a few. I gather from ur view all is good n no problems exist.

    Q: do u get enuf O2 with ur head up that far?
  9. Lmao yea me not getting enough of is the reason your inactive all the time... makes plenty of sense
  10. 159 medals worth of inactivity..what say u?
  11. Lmfao that 8 weeks is a long time?
  12. To set the record straight with all the facts.

    1 broken sword when neighbourhood wifi corrupted n reinstated after e-mail to ATA.

    1x late for war by 1/2hr

    1x late for war when wifi was down n drive to Tim Hortons with laptop.
  13. Since u produce no facts n produce bs like ur a manure factory what next?
  14. Haha its been more then that but sure, scrubs like you are the reason I stopped doing indys... walling people during waves and going inactive mid wars..
  15. With no facts to add to this Dorothy click ur heels 3x n say there is no place like home there is no place like home there is no place like home
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