Primal Mis match ups..No Reply from DEVS so RANT TIME

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Nighthawk_FPBO_1, Oct 23, 2014.

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  1. So every war is winnable lol
  2. Indeed. Once side always wins.
  3. Yes, every war is winnable. You just gotta find a way. I didn't say you're claiming to be a wc, I wasn't speaking only to you. I'm talking to all the people crying in this post about match ups.

    If you want it easy, stop doing wars.

    And i'm not saying I'll win every war, I won't. It's just how the game works. The biggest doesn't always win. The smartest does.
  4. Did i say all wars against BG r mismatches? No i stated only 2 examples n stated other match ups not related to BG. Furthermore 1 was where we won a war in a gross match up. Idc about selective elitists takin me outta context
  5. @ seto

    I support that  lmfao not all this talk about impossible wars to win
  6. All i want Seto is a reply to my e-mails. Nothing more
  7. well Seto... not EVERY... some clans need to learn how to stack a roster that could get outmatched but still could be used to win. War 05 - 13 Oct was a definite outmatch, but the roster still worked.
  8. Q: should i start another thread where only ppl who believe every war has a reasonable outcome that either clan will win can post?

    or is it possible that Primal Wars have no flaws whatsoever? If this is true lock this thread now
  9. Most if not all match up have flaws just saying they are all winnable lol
  10. We Will RP U n Total Annihilation nobody believes u sorry. Apparently Primals r all winnable n no mismatch ups exist. U need a WC that does not lose n can stack a roster.

    To any other clans out there its ur imagination so dole out ur time n efforts n have faith all is well n know that in war 1 clan will win
  11. An HFBC atk build is about 10 mil cs bigger than an HFBC spy build. They are still both HFBC. Take troop stats out and look at building stats, then you'll see why you match them in most cases.
  12. Explain 200m cs vs 400m cs
  13. As for my example of 800m cs vs 600m cs

    BG was all HFBC Att Tanks n we had 6 Hansels n that is not 20 HFBC vs 20 HFBC

    Or when at GP we had 600m cs vs We Will RP U with 400m cs. That was a massacre btw
  14. I felt bad for RP n supported them. Why cuz bs is still bs no matter what ppl ignore
  15. Where is the justice for RP if ppl claim all wars r winnable for both sides. Believe they r n ur in denial or all is perfectly good n i'm deluded
  16. Yes I now see peoples point on the medal increase. I support the increase but it should have been retroactive.
  17. Any other clans have any more examples to add?
    Do ppl support there always be match ups n all Primal Wars have no issues?
  18. U make a very valid point Mystra
  19. Death69 inactive on two accounts last night one on my Indy roster

    Now in a war thread talking about wars being winnable or not while sporting a broken sword... Oh the irony 
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