Primal Mis match ups..No Reply from DEVS so RANT TIME

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Nighthawk_FPBO_1, Oct 23, 2014.

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  1. It's because you are lucky to war in a middle bracket where mismatches are not so huge. But that doesn't mean the problem doesn't exist.
  2. I know it dose menny missmatches I have got but emailing n forums posting did nothing back then is what I'm trying to say
  3. Any other clans have examples of gross mismatches to add to this thread?
    We Will RP U has already posted a forum about theirs 2 months ago against my clan which i supported.
    Another peep from Total Annihilation in pm had 200m vs 400m n they warred to the bitter end.
  4. Either bring in no match up again or fix the system. Primals r for war clans n ppl wanting n willing to war where as Round Wars r not a realistic choice for the many.
    Otherwise lets just roll the dice n make it Iwars only n kill war clans n loyal ppl excepting the elitists.
  5. Nighthawk... let's look at this realistically.

    You're not going to boycott EE.

    There we go... now since we've established your threat is moot can we stop using this as a "weapon" for lack of a better term.


    If this problem persists email
  6. 1 - In no type of war you'll see equal teams on both sides. There will ALWAYS be a stronger side.
    2 - No roster is umbeatable. Not even the 20 hansels roster. If you don't know how to fight in different situations, go do some research before calling yourself a WC.

    3 - Stop crying. Primal wars allow way more people to participate in wars than round wars could ever do. All that is needed to improve the system is increase participation in these wars.
  7. Stronger side is fine but unrealistic match ups exist
  8. When every clan gets a match up there is no room left for anomalies. Also not every war is winnable or ur not a WC either.
  9. ^ :0 so ur saying that there r impossible wars to win?
  10. Death r u stating EVERY war is winnable?
  11. Skrull u suggest i keep sending e-mails n be ignored? Tell me how many r needed is it 3 300 3000 30,000. Pick one.

    This thread would not exist if they answered
  12. Yes I am saying every war is winnable
  13. Seto i never claimed to be a wc where u dream that up?
    Let me get this straight...ur claim is EVERY war is winnable...thats 100% correct?
    Therefore there is nothing wrong at all with clan wars. Damn it just hit me its just a dream thx
  14. What If enemy has innac or more then one what if screw up at start what if they have terrible plan what if they don't xtial what if u get lucky and get alot of attack kos?
  15. Death u must be the only WC never to lose?
  16. rosters that went against bg

    if you were active for the first half of the lost war against bg, maybe we could've won that war too. just saying. not like they have 100% wins on their war records.
  17. What if the sky falls in what if the ops all get a pc virus what if a storm hits what if tsunami hits what if what if what if
  18. Read my post again lol I'm saying ever war is winnable not that I or anyone els wins all wars just that ever war is winnable
  19. Bais explain other mis matches n not selective memory loss
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