Primal Mis match ups..No Reply from DEVS so RANT TIME

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Nighthawk_FPBO_1, Oct 23, 2014.

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  1. What exactly is the loophole now for primals? Curious noob here :(
  2. There isnt one. Just think that decs should be matching closer on cs seeing as there is no bfe/bfa to balance out a cs disparity. 100M is too much. Not that it cant be overcome, but just that it shouldnt happen. Have had some very close wars being both bigger and smaller by 100m+ cs. Still think it should be closer cs.
  3. I love Indy Wars :) well except for the second half of the season 20% win ratio but I guess it balance off in the end as I had an 80% win ratio in the first half of the season.
  4. Its just too bad your win streak in early season doesnt mean crap compared to a win streak now after stupid medal increase.
  5. Bg had about 165m cs on us just now. Rather an nm than these gross matches.
  6. The point isn't if you like Indy wars.... It's that this is a clan based game , and devs can't get more than a 5% share of Kaw to war regularly in clan wars.
  7. seriously everyone always gotta moan about something

    i am going to say one thing...

    the rosters we run from Kotfe, CR, Apoc etc - apart from the occassional experiment we roster 50/50 spy based/attack based builds - smalls mids bigs

    those of you now stacking hansels at stupid levels - you never learnt your lesson after Round wars did

    so next season when its 100% Indie wars, and clan based wars are no more - all because you couldnt use a balanced roster

    win or lose - my family doesnt care - we wont exploit, we wont move to mainly hansel stacked rosters in any Apoc clan, we will use family as first priorty wether running 1 2 or 3 rosters 
  8. I'm not seeing your point Vix.

    We ran a roster with 9 hansels. We normally run fewer. I just looked at your last war and you guys ran 10. And we're doing something to exploit the system and you're not?

    The question of exploits seems like a red herring in this matter. Are matches based on total size or are they not?

    When you match a clan that is 25-30% bigger than you that's a horrible mismatch. It should be an nm.

    What seems to be happening is the 2 biggest clans match no matter what, no matter the size difference. That needs to be fixed, otherwise it's a race to the bottom to be the 3rd biggest clan.

    Death incarnate ran a similar roster to ours in terms of size and makeup, but we can't match them bc there's a clan 160m bigger than us that needs to get their match?

    Again it's not about exploits, it's about the matching system favouring the max # of matches rather than trying to create fair ones.
  9. No support thats how this game works you win some lose some
  10. Who cares what rosters u run VIX..start ur own thread or at least stick to the topic.
    This thread is about bogus mismatches with BG as the example there r others if u bother or u full of ur greenness.
    I invite other clans with gross mismatches to state here their examples.
    We Will RP U have already when matched against GP. I was in GP at the time n supported RP.

    Revised question:
    R Primal match ups 100% ok with every match up for every clan with no matches not possible?


    Who is the first low IQ troller to sidestep the Q?
  11. U will get matches in ur favor and you will get matches that arent. We just need to deal with them and move on :p
  12. Suppose 4 clans sign up for a war.

    Clan 1 has 800m cs.
    Clan 2 has 650m cs.
    Clan 3 has 625m cs.
    Clan 4 had 450m cs.

    I'd personally rather see clan 2 and 3 match than see matches between clans 1 and 2 and clans 3 and 4.

    I support fairer fights over blowouts and just saying "maybe next time clan 2 will be smaller than clan 3 and get to blow out clan 4."

    The limit to how much smaller than another clan you can be (assuming there is one) is just too lenient if mismatches of this size are happening on a regular basis.
  13. That's not true. If you stack 20 hfbc builds, then you will always outmatch the other clans, just like what bg has been doing. They never got outmatched. By outmatch I mean having more than 60mil cs on them.
  14. Well said, golthar. That's the biggest bug in devs' matchup system. Not only in primal wars. It's inherited from round wars in fact. The matchup doesn't get improved although bfe/bfa is out.
  15. @xiao

    So making a thread and emailing them will help this issue ?
  16. I have gotten good matches and I get mad...move on but later Ill get a good one.
  17. Ad matches*
  18. Bad matches* **** auto correct
  19. Nope. If they would, this issue would have been fixed long time ago. That's the nature of devs. lol
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