Primal Mis match ups..No Reply from DEVS so RANT TIME

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Nighthawk_FPBO_1, Oct 23, 2014.

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  1. Buy some crackerjacks n hope to find a personality
  2. When ur teeth grow in that is
  3. yes DI got matched - they matched us lol 100 mill cs bigger - but we didnt cry - we fought
  4. Lmfao your funny noob idc hide behind your spy build plus I only play this game like a week per month plus I can tell from him whining and your crying that your guys spend money or else why cry so hard lmfao enjoy your pathetic life noob cakes making love to your mom atm be back laterz
  5. I was talking to Hawk. Figured that was blatantly obvious. /facepalm
  6. We fought as well but still wanna know how the match ups occured
  7. [0000FF]No support[/color]

    It's just war matches.
    If you get a match up advantage, deal with it.
    if you get a bad match up, deal with it too.

    It would be extremely insane to start a boycott forum just because of some wars that didn't quite go your way, did it, OP?
  8. People still war? keep feeding the monkeys that xtal money we know they aren't going to do anything to it
  9. I particularly like how he waits until the last couple days to threaten a boycott after the season. You know, when he has nothing to lose. So steadfast in them convictions, though!
  10. N what r your convictions other than trolling forums? Lol
  11. FYI sent feedback months before S4 n if u read its only for a reply or will boycott as do the devs when no reply
  12. No I should make a thread crying about something and threaten a half ass boycott of making fun of twits like you.
  13. Then why didn't you boycott the season and not wait until now? Oh,right...
  14. What part about ignoring feedback is so difficult? Simply want an answer n idc what it is.
    Where do u stand in this regard?
    Its black n white is it not?
  15. [color#0000FF]Still, Hawk. It's not worth boycotting. It will only make the case worse. [/color]
  16. I require no validation from u. U have no constructive help to offer
  17. Same people that bitched about EE sucking bc of "stacking" rosters are finding a great little niche.


    Does anyone else think it's ironic that the players who vouched to war fair are quick to cast 17 hansels now that it is convenient? Mechs aren't rocket science, and there is no perfect roster.

    But Please, don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining. Hansel roster is BS.
  18. I validated that you're a crying hypocrite that isn't going to Stop feeding money into what you're crying about.
  19. @Sean

    Idk how it makes it worse bud but my money is on no reply still.
  20. Also, yes.

    I warred a normal primal roster and got match, down 200m cs. Devs to busy filming rocky and bullwinkle 4 to pick out a no match once ina while.
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