Primal Mis match ups..No Reply from DEVS so RANT TIME

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Nighthawk_FPBO_1, Oct 23, 2014.

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  1. Actually you are right maybe DL should have matched BG. Did DL get a match I haven't been there in a while?
  2. All that matters is a fair playing field or semblance of one. I do not expect to win every war but do expect the devs to be accountable n do whats right. They had no probs reinstating Round Wars to keep LB happy but that leaves the vast majority out in the cold. If ATA wants 2nd class citizens this game will suffer if war issues r not addressed n rectified. Rather a no match vs a bs match any day for everyone that wars. Thats not gonna happen anytime soon i gather either.
  3. Lmfao so much crying its a game sometimes you get good match up sometimes you get bad ones. BG you didn't spend enough real money for devs to care so pull out your credit cards start spending then you will win all wars. I laugh that you think wars are determined by cs it's not it's buy which clan spent the most money.
  4. Another penniless noob
  5. Lol I'm not penniless I just don't waste my money on this game but cry more must be pms day for you wait that's prob everyday
  6. I'd cry with ur build too
    I war to war n stand up to the numerous mismatches for everyone. Ask for your allowance to be raised n war someday or stick to eb faerie.
    Once again SUPPORT or NOT or at least have input that is not juvenile. Aah never mind ur silenced. R u grounded also?
  7. Lmfao eb fairy lol I've been in plenty of wars nubcakes also osw just haven't played in a long time cause cry babies like yourself cry more ill get you your pacifier
  8. Why silenced? Pick one

    Cannot read TOU
    Won't read TOU
    Trolling for a date
    None of the above due to cannot read
  9. Aaah an inmate n cut-off from the game.
  10. Lmfao got owned in forums so now you gotta change subjects lmfao
  11. I'm not a perv just cause I picked your mom up off the street corner doesn't make me a perv maybe you should stop spending money on this game and donate some to your mom so she doesn't have to work the streets
  12. Asking for replies to feedback is crying?
    Nvm u have no valid opinion that will improve this game or care apparently
  13. Get a paper route n contribute to society
  14. Lmfao owned you again your to ez bro and a waste of my time cry more the devs love babies peace out enjoy your pms
  15. When u pay taxes u spend any money u make n idc on what
  16. Any teeth grown in yet?
  17. Taxes lmfao you have no clue what your talking about to funny your money doesn't have to pay taxes cause she gets paid cash
  18. Lol mommy not money epic fail
  19. Btw this forum is not a plea for handouts

    SIMPLY asking for accountability n reply to feedback. If none is coming then time to tap tap only if war clans get no answers.
  20. You make zero sense what so ever. Paying to play a game is contributing to society now? And how the hell do you know if he doesn't spend on the game? You have access to his account to know if he xtals on strips? Or is your head so far up your whining ee ass you think that's the only aspect of the game people spend on? Btw you're the biggest ******* hypocrite on this game. When anyone complains about anything on this game not ee oriented your half literate ass is there calling them whiners. But the second something goes wrong for you, you run to forum crying about it like a baby back *****.

    One last thing don't talk about anyone else not being else being able to read. At least not until you learn to spell and communicate like an adult. Do you even grammar, brah?

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