Primal Mis match ups..No Reply from DEVS so RANT TIME

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Nighthawk_FPBO_1, Oct 23, 2014.

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  1. Back in those days I was the owner of FPBO a spy clan and I got to say we sure sucked during those wars LOL
  2. The good the came of it was many new warriors came into kaw wars n probably at least 40 off the top my head r keeners now
  3. Yes SYL you surely like going after the big boys LOL

    if you had ballz you'd be king hon๎’๎’
  4. If you guys are aiming for us then why is hawk crying about the mismatch? Lmao
  5. U guys got the 0thers not dl
  6. But you should know by now both are in range of us even if u try to avoid us with a sh or 2...
  7. Just so u know that wasn't to try and avoid u that was because I had to scramble to fill roster. Secondly at dl we were a 100 mil cs bigger so it is only logical we should have matched dl vs bg
  8. Like I said... both were in range, after 2 months of this no one should be surprised about it
  9. Not surprised one bit to be honest but do you not agree dl at 660 mcs was a better match for you at 790mcs then the others was at 590mcs?
  10. I guess di had a better match up with whoever they got that war? Not sure how the devs work but since week 1 I've seen them match up to about a 200-230mil cs difference sooooo nothing surprises me about it since it happens to everyone
  11. Idk kotfe were 80 mil cs smaller then us t0 and kotfe seemed like a much better match they were barely 20 mil cs apart and similar builds. I really don't understand how they do the matching just seems flawed. Not complaining about it nothing we can do either way but war the wars we r given.
  12. Exactly... hawk is Here crying and just embarrassing himself with the noob tears about it. And people bringing up loopholes earlier in the convo, I don't see any for primal since certain rosters will always beat other certain rosters and only problem would be the flawed matching system
  13. Can we all stop this thread though I think it's a mute point now anyways the wars over and nothing will change this season anyways. So let's just finish it out. I'm sure we will be warring one another in 4 1/2 hours anyways joker lol c ya on the battlefield.
  14. I'm a eb fairy the rest of the season :p
  15. Agreed I don't agree with this loop hole non sense at all. If someone makes a specific roster then you can always create a specific roster to give yourself the best chance to beat it.
  16. Oh why? Letting others try and. Get their medals?
  17. Just lazy and busy with rl :/ and yea I saw comments earlier about bg stacking hfbc, most have tried to do the same thing and lost in the process against us... just hate people calling this loophole or unfair crap
  18. I don't agree that BG goin all HFBC is a loophole at all. U got it flaunt it i say.
  19. Too many ppl use the word stacking like its unfair but using exploit is what it says. Envying a war clan does not make it unfair n deny them warring. Every clan chooses how to build a war roster n thats not easy for everyone. Growing pains n learning r a part of the game. Its good that more clans r warring n all that matters.
    Primal Wars has allowed this to happen IMO
  20. Yup anyone is welcomed to run 20 hfbc and match us.... so they can't cry about being smacked with the cs difference
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