Primal Mis match ups..No Reply from DEVS so RANT TIME

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Nighthawk_FPBO_1, Oct 23, 2014.

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  1. Scrubs? That makes u a toothless limey i gather. Still full of nothin but yap. A gutless keyboard coward is impressive
  2. Nighthawk deserves a broken sword he gots hes name written all over it
  3. More what is more?
    Enlighten me if u understand this scrubs meaning of the word
  4. Gutless? I'm just calling you for what you are.... I'm not the only one who has said you were inactive, look at bai earlier comment lmfao. Keep it up scrub
  5. Come on enough guys.
  6. News for u Kingdumb everyone deserves what they earn. Mine was removed but yet u have yours still. Why is that?
  7. Ok Boss my bad..i'm sorry
  8. My verbal jousting ends here n now GL Y'all
  9. maybe because I dont cry to the devs like you do. You probably said something like this "Oh please devs remove my broken sword Ill suck your dicks all together" :lol: also, I find it funny how ou have to shut up on your owned thread. Warlor needs to smack u up.
    For talking the way you did to him I wouldn't let that fly by me
  10. As to the mismatch it was horrible. Secondly we have never had a 150 mil cs or more advantage this season but have had favorable matchs. Devs really do need to look into it as it makes no sense. I am totally OK with being down in cs as I make the rosters and make them knowing that we will most likely match bg. I get what hawks trying to say and agree that match and many others for many other clans are not fun and do not promote participation. That being said let's drop this thread and all the fighting within it thank you.
  11. He didn't have to shut up he stopped this pointless nonsense out of respect to me so don't bash him for that thanks.
  12. Lol 10 ps every war for advantage! Should keep matching BG! Compare to built wise it just fair! BC pure hansel with 1 Atk troops is same as tank with same Lvl building
  13. Agree but what clan r u referring to?
  14. Most clan using 10 of those built hmmm ur clan perhaps?
  15. I remember back in season 1 or 2 can't recall 57 vs 81 haha can't recall clan but I know it was against warlor . I think it was empire vs warlor good times haha
  16. Where did i claim we avoid BG?
    FYI the example i used was 6 PS1 n only 1 was HFBC n there was 197m cs adv for BG.
    Furthermore the point of this thread r all other mismatches. Idc about myself n seek an answer from the devs if they are monitoring all wars n what they plan on doing if they know yet.
  17. Pepper you are making no sense.
  18. Well Pepper talk to those clans that had 10 HFBC PS1. I'm not aware of everything only the wars brought to my attention by others.
  19. I recall those days Soldja lol

    Some whacky days those were for sure
  20. We have matched bg all season and I personally love it they are by far the hardest clan to fight. By fighting the best we get better and enjoy our wars I have lots of respect for aik and rorin and talk to them both its a great rivalry.
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