Primal & Individual Wars (8/18 - 8/24)

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 15, 2014.

  1. Re: Primal

  2. Re: Primal

    Tcup, I see 16. Am I correct? 
  3. Yes, because clan wars should be dominated by LB/ssh clans since they spend more money /eye roll.

    Clan wars are actually fun again, despite what you extreme stackers think.
  4. Re: Primal

    We need the purge here devs
  5. Re: Primal

    Ok is it me or is the chart wrong?
  6. Re: Primal

    Next war on chart 12 noon est suppose to be indi advantage correct?
  7. Re: Primal

    Devs, can you please adjust primal war rosters back to how they were last week for each time slot, 11,15,20 person rosters! Other then that primal wars have been fantastic and very fun, we have been enjoying them alot! Thanks
  8. Re: Primal

    While i sympathise for the genuine lb who didnt use a lb/Sh stacked roster , im sorry but i dont have any sympathy for those that abused exploits in EE - wether using SH exploit or simply stacking up a roster to purposely get a nm to refresh edge, it became about greed and excluded 95% of KaW

    Indies have been a huge success, people cried they wanted to war with their clan mates - so primal evolved so clans can war together

    And guess what, more clans and more people are warring than ever, why should KaW cater for a tiny % of their customer base - infact now wars are available for everyone who kaw's - and thats exactly how it should be

    I see nowhere in TOU that says the more you spend on the game, the more you are entitled to. its a free game, and up to individuals if they wish to spend money
  9. awesome post vixen…players can still use their bfa/bfe in iwars…sh can still battle other sh im iwars…wanna fight with your clan? do primal wars…just be careful some clans are still exploiting sh to try and get matched with lower cs clan for "easy mith" but ive warred three clans that did that and it didnt help them one bit
  10. Re: Primal

    Before primals : " adjust to our rosters , it's strategy"

    After primals : "we will not adjust, we have no strategy"
  11. These LB/sh clans still doing same strat…try to tank with no towers (that doesnt work) and sh can only scout which only cause 1% damage with no bfe/bfa…pretty useless…some sh get lucky and catch a ps with some change out but thats it…its not a real strategy and the wc's are showing who really knows tactics instead of who knows the most sh
  12. 4 primal no matches b2b. More people need to war.
  13. 40mins to prepare for this war. Sort it out
  14. Re: Primal

    Every war style or formate has specific build requirement to have advantage beside iwar(lb/sh,lb,or in primal tank,mix with mid/small/sh,you need to adj with it and I believe most clan doing it.some r doing great and some r not.
  15. Devs are you saying you can buy a car every 3 wars?
  16. Yeah i c waay more people warrin vix that's why there is only 2 matchs .it's all good tho .we pullled out so GL with ur primal wars thing .ofcourse ur gonna support devs but onething why did we earn bfe let's forget about bfa! why would we fight for something we can't use .i mean is it for ebs ?
  17. N ofcourse indi wars r populer all none towerd builds/alts who can't war in Real war clans get to cast n boom u got ee/mith lol comon now
  18. one reasons 2 matches krat is hte promo, everyone getting distracted, devs divert attention to somethin else once more