20 man rosters are just way too hard to recruit especially fo new clans and when u have like 6 wars a day. Pls bring back the 11 man rosters so more clans can participate and for better matches
try clan wars, primal wars is not sustainable, without the diehard no sleep getting ee warriors that changed builds, spent 1000's in bfa because they love it. If you have not already lost too many of them
always have been, we never missed a roster during promo hard to say now as there are a LOT of war clans not warring the primals
Re: Primal Are you guys even doing primals or not? If you're not signing up , you're contributing to the no matchs .
Less people warring because of hte promo. In indy wars last night guys who are usually around mid/bottom of tier 2 to 3 were smalls in the top tier.
Re: Primal Hte promo has always affected sign ups for wars And GL people seriously sssh now cause i actually like most of you - you dont like primal we get it, we didnt like your exploit rosters either lol they wont be changing the wars this week to cater for one clan - dont like primal, do indie
Re: Primal Hte only started Tuesday and didn't affect those singing up for the primal wars on Monday. Still no matches all Monday and only 2-3 matches each primal that day and early Tuesday. Hte only made it worse,
Re: Primal People wanted more wars - they trying out more wars per day, sign ups will be more diluted lol and HTE promo always affected sign ups anyway
No one is signing because they feel it unfair to sacrifice the hard work of eq and ally aquisition. Nothing to do with promo. Plenty of indy wars happen every time. If these were clan wars it would be business as usual. I personally dont care one way or the other so long as I get a match. 8 primal no matches in 3 days is just sickening.
Re: Primal People are still trying to war primals with stacked rosters hence the nm - and this week wars were always going be diluted even beforr hte promo - but people wanted more wars per day so devs try something new and put more wars on and people still arent happy
Re: Primal If your war strategy was completely dependent on your sh or lb bfa or equip ,Guess what? YOU NEVER HAD A STRATEGY Seeing the same clans who have screwed over all of kaw for the past three seasons ,complaining about anything at all , truly disgusts me Anyone outside of those clans wants to complain about primals? Fine with me But maybe certain clans should think about how good they've had it these past few seasons at the expense of the rest of us , before they open their mouths .
Re: Primal "Business as usual" that's funny lol. You must have forgotten that clan wars were only getting 2-4 matches per war even during peak US hours