Re: Primal Week 2 of primal, and everyone has calmed down now and ive noticed more people and clans are now signing up for Primal wars And i agree with what others have posted, it will be great to have the 3 types of war for people to choose from. Normal clan wars are all about decent bfa Primal all about decent build Indies are the fun for all wars
Re: Primal My rancor was a high level thanks to your stupid primal wars I couldn't find a war any day last week and my rancor ran out.
Re: Primal Clan Wars r nothing about BFA more like bs builds n lb/sh stacked clans. Clan Wars r why Primal Wars n IW r here. LB builds care a less about towers n SH r puny builds with no motive to grow while they suck up to clans that stack.
Re: Primal @wolfie Ur rancor ran out? Btw mercs r mercs n if u cannot find a clan that wants u get your own clan to enter war. War clans accept ppl not obligated to ppl not war perms.
Re: Primal Even the war clans I founded wouldnt take me -_- your arguements are invalid as these destroy loyalty.
Re: Primal Sad to say, one of the primary reason (Loyalty) for EE wars went out the window looooooong ago. ❄️
Re: Primal Yeah I know sad to see it go out the window almost imediatly after the start of season one.
Re: Primal Wolfle no matter what wars you do - if you want to war you need a build suitable for war, people have known they need towers since s1 So no most clans wont accept you for a war as they have option of better builds
bad part is the solution has been mentioned and people can still use what they worked for, require so many builds in different cs brackets, if you bank trillions in bfa after match and go out of bracket you forfiet and auto loose. Would get everyone warring and make it stacking minimal, but still get to use a variety of builds in strategy, now its just tank tank tank,
Re: Primal More clans warring = better matchups. I'll cry a lot less if we match a rising hawks-ish clan 3 out of 10 wars instead of 9/10 wars. Devs need to regain trust of war clans. Should do an entire week of pots xtals all mith refunded. Or something . Let clans try the matchups , hopefully they stick around. We just need more clans warring on a more consistent basis.
More clans and more incentives. An ee war should pay more than any eb out there. Reward winner's with xstals. I would wager more clans would war. Most successful warriors already have a stock pile a mith and max equipment. Give them something to get the ones who only war to renew ee a reason to war.
Re: Primal To get more participants the risk/reward ratio needs to change. At the moment the cost (both in gold, real money and in time) is disproportionately weighted towards EB rather than war. Some ideas; Gain EE for winning war but don't loose it if defeated. Instead make EE time bonded. Lose one level every 5-7 days. People will then need to war, and win, to maintain EE. No more dodgy LB stacked rosters to get a no match and no more disincentive to war. Give everyone a 'war crystal' every 5-7 days (max of 1 crystal). Too many won't war because of the requirement to xstal. Refund the cost of pots used in war.
I love how most of the wining on here is from people who want to stack their rosters and from those who have no clue to the old war system where strategy was required. Lol Grow up. the only problem with the sh system is those who abuse it. devs i love the indi wars and havent done primal because of narrow minded people. keep workin on it please
How about refunding everyone's ally's and doing away with the ally market. There's no point in having more than the bare minimum if bfa is gonna be turned off. Some peeps have worked hard to buy trillions worth of allies. Some spent trillions on towers. You gonna let towers stay, but not allies? The SH build (when done right) is fun and VERY effective, even in primal wars... STACKING is still happening and will continue. Get over it and build a better roster.
The lb war clans will ALWAYS protect their bigs by stacking the smallest available build. Right now its the lvl1 SOS, next week it might be lvl1 volary. Pandora's box is open, and you can't shut it. Dev's are never gonna piss off their best paying customers by eliminating stacking. So everyone else is forced to follow suit to try and avoid getting stuck with a ridiculous match.