Primal & Individual Wars (8/11 - 8/17)

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 9, 2014.

  1. Try mixing up the roster size for indy wars too
  2. No support. Not spending money on this game until the developnent trajectory is clear.
  3. Re: Primal

    Man I go away for a while and the game goes further south than Antarctica...
  4. Re: Primal

    You all really have no idea how primal wars work.

    It's about slowly working down the weakest targets 1 by 1, while staying strong and maximizing plunder.

    Then around the 26 minute mark it's a race to plunder.

    There is no "sitting around"

    Wars are fun for people who don't suck.
  5. Re: Primal

    Also for those of you who didn't notice, Myles comment is completely ludicrous.

    If an entire roster of builds like that existed; then it would have no plundering ability.

    How does a player with 10/20 work down 14/17 players. They don't.

    Plus then hybrids or ps could **** their sdt
  6. Re: Primal

    In case you didn't see my post on other thread... No support. Back to 1 star in the App Store from me... after you had just increased it too.
  7. you guys missed it, devs continually put something worse out so you dont remember how bad the last stupid idea was.
  8. Re: Primal

    Kaw_Admin -

    From a leader of a EE clan that participates in EE wars daily, I'm going to tell you the underlying issue KAW is having with wars in general in today's gaming environment...

    Lack of Participation from the Community

    Take today for instance, 6 clans total waring; you want my advice on increasing participation, I've been saying this for years:

    Stop Penalizing players who participate. You should be incentivizing participation

    The current reward system penalizes players and clans who throw their hat I to the ring an lose an EE War. It's highly discouraging for them and turns them of to playing and EE Waring in the future.

    For example, you should earn your EE no question about that, but in my opinion you shouldn't lose your EE for participating make it so your timer doesn't refresh if you lose to prevent ppl from waiting every 2 weeks to war and be inactive.

    It's the punitive nature of EE wars that discourage players from rostering their clans and leads you to a handful of clans who war regularly with no new clans participating.

    Note: We keep spreadsheets at Minas Morgul on clans who participate, it's the same damn ones every week  I can send you my data

    Look at it this way, if you have nothing to lose why not try to EE war! Okay you lost the war, some pots and you got a minimal amount of Mith back, so what, you tried. You win you get some EE and Mith.

    Losing an EE war should keep you neutral in your earnings of Edge, Mith, etc, as you didn't win. Only winning a war should you gain. It's no different with Prestige. More Participation, more Prestige. It's the Same with Rancor when the Season hits - Neutral for a Loss, Gain for a Win

    Smarter ppl than me can explain and comment on the intricacies of the Reward System, but my overreacting point is:

    Stop Penalizing Participation - Encourage it

    I hope that puts a seed in someone's head over in ATA Land. If not, your gonna see the same ppl waring week after week and attrition, the silence killer, will creep up on you before you know it, then nobody will be left to war.

    Just my knee jerk commentary after a well fought EE war and a few years of contemplating

  9. Re: Primal

    Support @ what shady said about not loosing ee when u lose a war, it just doesn't refresh it.
  10. Re: Primal

    Shadymarine makes some great points, I feel the same way
  11. Re: Primal

    No support Indi war are better
  12. lol have to force people to do them to keep ee.

    Cant even give your crap rings away to get more people to do them.
  13. Re: Primal

    Now dev's try to make happy one group of ppl,other group gonna do the same(complain/whine)in forum so after few month something is kind a fun to war in different format every few month.
  14. I second what shady said regarding player participation.

    And in regards to the ally hires change in the OP, I support that.

    Honestly, regarding these current issues in our EE system, I've always felt they were easy to patch. It doesn't take fancy match up coding, specific War type or changes in plunder to fix. The key to It all comes down to player behavior and how to change it so that they themselves choose to play fair. As the way things are heading, restriction after restriction will only hurt this game, the solution I feel is tweaking the reward system itself. Which ultimately, each player is chasing for. Here some thoughts:

    1. Offering percentage based enchantable equipment, thus benefiting size.
    2. Quantify Mithril payout based on Size and increase cost of EQ for future seasons.
    3. Offer Leagues for smaller players, befitting equipment for this range.

    Players who are HFLCBC who play with this SH exploit on the team, are just as guilty of encouraging it. By having brackets no one is left out to war. This way, those who prefer to war small may, but without aid of any big players. My two cents
  15. Re: Primal

    No star on Reviews for u!
  16. Devs,
    whatever u change war rules/style, there are always 50% ppls will lose and 50% ppls will win.
    of course, smart/lucky guys will built/have their war buildings to fit the EE rules and get more wins.

    You want to give ppls a close/fair match up, the only way is let more ppls join EE. Only more rosters will certainly give u to make nice match up easier

    so why there are thousands ppls doing EE in S1, S2 and only hundreds doing EE recently ?

    thats all talkiing about war cost and EE rewards.
    many ppls doing EE in S1 & S2 is because EE equips are much better than those EB equips (at least 2x bfe), now, EE equip are only a slightly better. So, why ppls need to spend time, golds, xtals to gain those slighly better bfe not just stuck and EBs without any cost?
    3 hours (ppls probobly can get 15-30b golds from EB), 1 xtal, hundreds pots (probobly 8-15B per war) and just give u 20-50 net miths pay-out when u win en EE, or nothing when u lose !!!

    Also, when seaon 1 & season 2, ppls are hard to built huge bfa since EBs pays sucks, ppls buildings also small that can't make much golds from EBs. Now, its easy to make 50B - 300b a day from EBs to built their bfa. Compare to the big bfa, BFE from EE is no more important.

    So, if ppls just stuck at EBs without cost and still can have good bfe and built huge bfa at the same time. Why will they spend a big cost to gain a slighly better bfe from EE?

    Devs, its time for u to make EE at a less cost and better reward if u still want to run EE. Stop to blame any ppls that they expliot or stacking. They are good is because they just follow your war rules to built their buildings, bfe, bfa.
  17. Like chaos said, I have been advocating percentage based EE equipment for months.
  18. Re: Primal

    I don't see many people doing doing these who are they making happy???
  19. A few questions for devs:

    1. Why do you insist on changing war time from 7pm pst to 6pm pst while most of the pst people are still working? You youself have mentioned that at least half of the feedbacks you received wanted the war time to be at 7pm pst. Wouldn't it be better if you can alternate them?

    2. Why do you further increase the roster size from 15 to 20 after changing the time which makes a lot of people unable to war? Do you really encourage the participation or discourage it? I'm confused honestly.

    Looking forward to your reply. Thanks.
  20. These primal wars are ok…ive lost most iwars i been in but they were all close (within a couple bill) and cc was on fire because i happened to be on thorn the inactives clan…literally laughing my butt off at everybody…cancel primal wars bring back iwars