Price increase in UK - Suggestions

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by RedHotVixen_MaCHiNE, Jan 20, 2017.

  1. @Dave - Apple set the prices so Ata cant change those

    But Oracle now in UK - there is no incentive at all to buy bonus packs as they arent actually offering bonuses

    Ill get some facts figures and SS later to show comparison with other countries and PC buying
  2. I am not using Apple. I understand btw but devs set the prices initially maybe there whole price structure is outdated.


  4. So lower prices 4 everyone. Kinda simple offer more for money.
  5. First and foremost it's a 33% increase
    How can this be justified
    Seems like first they say prices are regulated and now only the UK gets a unjustified 33% increase
    This WILL kill the market and game in the UK

  6. Dollar vs Pound exchange rate last two years

    Dollar vs Euro exchange rate last two years

    Everything you import is becoming more expensive. On the bright side, British exports are cheaper.
  7. [/quote]

    The cost of the dollar,outrageous!
    Ata new app, new features, New content, nonexistent! lol
    This gif priceless >.<
  8. It's not that the cost of the dollar is outrageous. It's that the pound is losing its value. It's probably going to get worse.

    7 Oct 2016
    British pound plunges to three-decade low amid fat-finger speculation, 'hard Brexit' fears
    "Others suspected an article from the Financial Times (FT) that revived fears of a "hard Brexit" policy was to blame for Friday's losses." ... e-low.html

    Those fears came true.

    20 Jan 2017
    Theresa May opts for a hard Brexit ... a-may-opts

  9. Well congrats. Your math sucks too.
    As I already stated.
    The correct conversion would have been a 79 pence purchase rising to 82 pence not 99 pnece.

    The 25 % hike in price is purely apples greed.
    Pricing across the board has risen to dollar values regardless of exchange rate.
    The change is not apples way to address just the exchange rate change. It's a way to rip off Turkish, Indian and U.K. Citizens.

    The pound may have dropped in value. But not that much. People aren't complaining because the exchange rate has balanced out.
    They are angry because the new price is a pure rip off reflecting apples greed.
    And that greed will affect both consumers and developers alike.
    This is actually a move companies like ata should address. Because it will damage their business.
  10. What a joke 25% increase

    Not had a % wage increase for years
    Figure us brits should all stop spending
  11. UK buying power has been reduced, inflation is happening. It sucks because prices go up and what you use to buy for 1.99 now cost 2.99 and it is the exact same. The buyer perceives less value, when in the global economy the buyer has the same value.

    It doesn't make sense for the developers to try to cater to a single countries market fluctuations by changing their store/prices. Apple may also actively prevent that from happening as well.

    Can ATA throw more "free" xtals at the U.K. And the players be happy? Maybe, how would that impact sales if you still have to pay 25% more? The reaction might be thanks for the free _______, and sales stay the same or actually decrease.

    Value is a tricky thing to try to calculate because now the extra cost might be eating into pub money, or food and rent. The price hikes have been across the board for the U.K. In several sectors since the referendum. Hold onto your umbrellas and be ready for more  storms to come.
  12. It's not just Apple:

    "Microsoft to UK firms: Brexit fallout means we're hiking prices by up to 22 percent

    Microsoft is planning steep price increases for on-premise software and cloud services for UK businesses because of the pound's slump after the Brexit vote...Come January, organizations using sterling can expect to pay 13 percent more for Microsoft's on-premise software and 22 percent more for most of its cloud services. " ... 2-percent/

    Tesla is increasing the price of its cars in the UK after the Brexit vote ... ry-2016-12

    It's not like the UK wasn't warned:

    13 Oct 2016
    Brexit means higher prices

    Brexit means not just Brexit but higher prices. Since wages are unlikely to rise to compensate, real disposable income will be squeezed; economists are talking of a 2.5-3% inflation rate next year." ... valuations

    The UK voted for higher prices. Now they're getting them.
  13. Ok final word on this. Yes we have the issue of the weaker pound.
    We all knew this would happen with brexit.
    It does not excuse firms applying price increases above the rate of inflation.

    The majority of price increases I. All sectors have been two fold.

    One the exchange rate.
    Two opportunistic companies thinking they can get away with higher than reasonable price rises and thinking blaming brexit will excuse their unfair rises.

    Neither is a surprise.
    Heck I stayed all this bs would happen on the brexit forums. Right down to companies and even countries trying to exploit the U.K. In a perceived time of weakness.

    Just because we know prices will rise. Does not mean we have to like being exploited beyond an acceptable level.

    And if foreign business wants to keep receiving Uk money. Then price hikes like this need to be restricted to increases due to exchange rates without an extra 15-20% increase just because they want to profit from our situation

    The trend will just lead to a more self supporting Uk without reliance on hostile foreign trade.

    And on that note. More uk jobs long term. Carry on proving you don't want our money 
  14. Last year Apple adjusted prices when the Aussie dollar dropped against the USD. But I don't recall it ever being adjusted for years when AUD was stronger than USD. It's just corporate greed.

    Ultimately it's up to ATA to decide whether to plump up the deals again to keep players spending. I've already seen a lot less Aussies playing. And with the top deal currently at USD$99.99 (AUD$159.99) that's a fair bit of change for intangible goods purchased. Come on devs it doesn't cost you extra to bundle few more nobs and xtals in for everyone :)

    I'd say it's quite a fair call to say there will be a lot less UK players wanting to spend or continue to play in the long term with such a hike.
  15. There was a time Droid Users had cheaper prices, devs then used apples rubbish and claimed fair play to make prices equal to the yearly rise of Apple prices. 3 years ago it was when this Android/Apple became equivalent, though Android has nothing to Do With Apple, So defending devs for apple increase is fine but defo not for droid in which only increases purely for the devs extra scrimmage they can squeeze.
  16. Damn. That REALLY sucks for droid users. Im an apple user but in the US im feeling kinda glad ata goes by US$ currency kinda would hate to have this happen
  17. Support op.

    Most of us understand currency risk--so the rationale is easy to understand.

    The business risk, however that you're missing ATA, is that you cut off your nose to spite your face and lose a large portion of spenders in the U.K. and EU.

    As a business you need to suck up the currency exposure for the sake of maintaining customers.

    Figure it out.
  18. The BBC is the expert, not me bruh.
  19. I do not see how the relevant price fluctuations in the U.K. amass to a price increase of 33% in some purchases such as 20 health crystals and 200 nobility points.

    This is a disgraceful way of duping players who have supported your game on a financial basis to increase your wealth whilst giving nothing back to the players.

    After 6 years , I will no longer entertain this as it is heading in one direction only.

    KaW as a community should not accept this.

    Game is great but capitalism is now the forefront and driver.

    No more from me.

    Greed is now the Winner.
  20. The conversion rate is £1 to $1.2 ish, not 1:1. Dunno what Apple is smoking and Uk has always had worse value for in app purchases but these prices are quite ridiculous now