preview event equip?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Azulean, Dec 28, 2016.

  1. Like the title says, devs said there would be a preview tab which would show the event equipment stats. I have to ask though, it's been nearly 2 weeks, where is it?

    (Also if anyone knows the stats for the warlords chest equip please post)
  2. Too lazy to look at the stats, but I have the shoulders equipped ATM if you want to look
  3. Just click details on the tier your at or the tier your aiming for, the stats are there
  4. I have the shoulder piece if anyone wants to see it. Its pretty bomb and only level 1. Does this piece ONLY come from the warlords chest btw? /:

    Edit added pic

  5. Pretty sure it only comes from warlords chest. It may have dropped from the hyndamaera EBs, but those arent around anymore.
  6. I have the bracers equipped for those wanting to know level 1 stats for that