Discussion in 'Wars' started by III___SI___III, Jul 13, 2013.

  1. Bump- sort out please devs
  2. When we beat sorta we gained one entire prestige cookie.

    I think it's fair to get 0-1 for beating a sub 1000 clan though.
  3. prestige cookie
  4. I agree cal. When we beat sotra and got our 1
    Cookie we earned it...was very good war. However
    some these other clans we war are merly eb clans
    trying to put on war pants that get smacked back to
    there eb world. Those wars are long slow and
    ussaly end up lop sided..i dont feel pestige should
    be awarded for making said eb warriors go
    crying back home...simply waste of time. But on
    bright side is mith easly won. unless like some clans
    ( wont mention names ) that dont bother even
    mithing up then mith pay is weak at best.
  5. Not gonna lie thought you were talking about cod for a second and i was about to flip out.