As one who voted to put Paul in the senate, i dont want him as president. His legislation language and cozying up with the establishment has proven he's just another GOP shill.
Exactly. Bernies campaign is funded by union workers, teachers and normal middle class folks. You know, the poor people that refuse to work and just want free stuff.
Xenophobia? Intolerence? Go get offended somewhere else. Seems all people want to do is sit around in a circle and cry over stuff nowadays. Me: I don't want to make gay love to a man. Democrats: You hate gays and you're intolerent of their rights!! ^Thought process nowadays
Bernie Sanders? The guy who tells black people to be fearful of the police? Nah, I don't need a president who wants the wipe the ass of everyone that doesn't want to wipe their own.
No attacking gay people and trying to take away their rights is the problem. Don't like gay whoopie, don't have it! Don't like gay marriage, don't get gay married! That's perfectly fine. But verbally and physically attacking people for their sexuality, and trying to take away their right to marriage IS hate. It's not about being offended, it's about being a decent human being. I'm not gay, I think lady bits are hideous. But I'm certainly not going to slam someone for licking it like ice cream.
I didn't say he did. Your reading comprehension is incredibly poor and you have little to no knowledge of the workings of key issues in politics. Sit down, you look silly.
Lol, my reading comprehension? You're the one talking about gays getting beat up on a president discussion thread, but don't say whose beating them up. If its not trump, why bring it up when I defend trump. Me: I like trump. You: I don't like gays getting attacked. Cool story bro.
Never once did you say "I like Trump" and I responded "I don't like gays getting beat up." Those were two separate issues on separate comments. Silly. You're making yourself look dumb.
Btw: You brought up the gay issue. Never once did I mention them until you brought it up. Freudian Slip?
Wait, the conversation didn't go EXACTLY like that? Someone get this genius a cookie. He figured out that my joke wasn't an actual quote. You're right, I did bring up the gay topic related to a democratic way of thinking. Go back and read it again, you'll understand. You're the one that started talking about them getting beat up. My question still stands, how does gays getting beat up relate to this thread? Are presidents beating them up, or telling people to beat them up? No? Then what's your point Tell you what. Don't answer that. Go find a safe zone and share your feelings instead.
You are an idiot. YOU brought up the gay issue. You're trolling by saying ridiculously stupid stuff and talking in circles purposely to try to get a reaction because you're bored, empty and small minded. I'm not going to feed into you anymore.
No it's more like "my 2000 year old book of contradictions Says gay people can't make love so they shouldn't be able too" Democrats: (same as above)
Trump, telling white people they need to be afraid of some muslims? Atleast the people Bernie warns about carry guns. By the way, since 9/11 way more INNOCENT people have been killed by police than terrorists in the United States.
Yes, I did bring up the word "gay", as I stated in my last post. Re-read it and maybe you'll see I never denied that. Continuing to accuse me of something I don't deny is pointless. Yes, I made a joke concerning how fast democrats are to accuse people of being intolerent are, and used the gay demographic to put a point to my joke. YOU took that, and started talking about them getting beat up. So I'll ask for the third time, how is that relevant?
Also, Trump has encouraged his followers to physically attack protesters (that includes Muslims, sane people and gays.) If that weren't enough, he publicly announced that he would pay their bail. Trump doesn't need to hurt people, his followers will do it for him.
Telling whites? Did trump say "attention all WHITE PEOPLE,fear Muslims" No, but way to falsely bring in a race to try and prove a point. Sanders on the other hand did specify blacks should be afraid. Yeah, let's get another president that drives that race baiting wedge.
Are you referring to the single protester that has been arrested multiple times for fighting, that trump said should be roughed up? Unless he was a gay Muslim, then no, trump does not encourage his people to attack gay people and Muslims. Nice try though.