Preseason - War 5

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 13, 2013.

  1. Anyone else had that enormous lagg? Was 15 min KOd by 1 person even before getting any messages or troop loss
  2. Lag needs fixing or peeps won't war.
  3. [​IMG]
  4. Come on DEV...We just had a worst matchup #2 war clan vs rookie clan
  5. Well HORAH for WAR 5 hope match-ups are good...
    @kaw admin. Are you accepting EB add-on suggestions for the new haunt?
  6. We want JUSTICE at match ups...!!!
  7. So kaw admin I'm not gonna moan or have a go, however I am going to ask a question as the development team of this fine game that we your customer base are very loyal an put up with alot of mistakes from you, I'd assume you can safely say you know your servers limitations and that when writing new code into said ap on said server it is highly likely going to cause lag across your server.. wouldn't you agree? Well with that being said do you not agree messing about with your new cash cow eb during ee two days in a row knowing the existing lag problems was an extremely bad idea?.

    Now to my moan season 1 had its flaws they're is absolutely no denying that however instead of tweaking those flaws you've spent the last 15 weeks of our time an money coming up with the dumbest so called addition to the ee system that in large your customer base hates and instead of taking a different approach and maybe say hold an open forum between yourselves and the leader's of the clans who sign up week in week out and actually ask they're opinions.... hell they're advice cause y'all dont seem to have a clue, you just keep re packaging the same mouldy cheese to go with every war threads whine.... for the love of god an all thats chocolate wake up, be honest with yourselves and us and admit that the system ain't working and your still unsure on how to take it forward and do like I said after all your capable of coding your new Ferrari n our hlbc eb why not code an invited speaker forum with said leaders and yourselves and brainstorm an see what comes of it because it cant hurt Worse than your current crap

    Yours sincerely
    One fed-up sadistic killa