Prepare to Enter the Abyss!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jan 20, 2015.

  1. lol me 2
  2. I like this.
  3. I know . Come on its 2015 and were stuck with the same puny castle , lets get it in gear. Moat , lake of fire , dragons , large breasted viking women. Lol

    The Castle is suppose to be the center peice of any kingdom. With all these new buildings and lands our looks like the out house in the back yard.
  4. Prepare To Enter The Abyss...that's what she said
  5. :shock: omg

  6. We shall defeat our enemies with unhealthy food snacks! Let obesity prevail to victory!!
  7. Forget The Shark eb!! Let us get Baconator the Fatness!! :| ;)
  8. no pigs were harmed during the making of this tower
  9. so it is turkey bacon?
  10. lol most likely or at least within a week

  11. No OTHER pigs were hurt.

    At least its terrorist resistant.
  12. Y not make a attack building who cut trow bloody towers 
  14. Hanover i like the idea bud stick with it make a thread lets make this happen ;)
  15. also: jewish, jainist, hindi and buddhist terrorists. just sayin.

    but definitely not murican terrorist resistant. timothy mcveigh would wreck that tower.
  16. In all honesty Devs it's reasonable to ask that at least 1 golden crux chests and crux chest where giving or are giving for every mil above the 6mil target.

    I just Can't Wait For The Lands Though, just in time.

    There's An Alchemists, A Mage, A Oracle But No Brewer c'mon now Devs!! At the list A Distiller!
  17. Must be time for another promo or event surely?....
  19. why is it reasonable to ask for free stuff
  20. Not long now. :mrgreen: