Predicting the End of the World

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SharkByte, Sep 27, 2015.

  1. I think it is well understood that Clinton could be elected President of the U.S. but not the world. So, it seems he intended to only be referring to the U.S. The only thing he can really be accused of is being slightly off topic.
  2. Lol you can't predict what is already happening, the world is already on a self destructive path, just open your eyes and see what humanity is doing to it 
  3. 4.4%
  4. To add to my previous reply to Dionysis.

    Our prime minister says that Iran/ISIS/any middle-eastern country is a dangerous threat because he will do anything to win votes. He also says it because he's the leader of the Conservatives. That's not the opinion of the majority of Canadians nor are the Conservatives a representation of Canada.

    He's lying, plain and simple. He took away some of the democratic rights of all Canadians in bill C-51, allowing himself to potentially lock up political opponents, and justified by the deaths of only 2 Canadians in terrorist attacks (the only deaths by Muslim terrorists in Canada in the last decade).

    He even went so far as to ban niqabs from public ceremonies, which is to say that he basically banned some types of Muslim women from attending events that are designed for all. In essence, that ban was intended to marginalized Muslim women.

    So from this information it's obvious that he doesn't understand the issues going on in the Middle East, nor does he understand the culture or religion of those people, which removes all credibility from his statements concerning Iran or ISIS.
  5. Ok good I just stumbled across this thread and when I saw this post I prayed that someone called him on it
  6. Jesus himself said not even he knows the hour.. Only God the Father knows

    What we know is that Jesus said in the end times I will send the Holy Spirit to you

    We've been in the end times for over 2000 years

    Yeah, i realize actual belief in Jesus isnt popular and is shunned on the internet, and i'll get trolled/harassed/incomming/forum banned for speaking about Jesus.. But honestly, we already know how this turns out
  7. Find a street corner somewhere tyvm
  8. Oh **** it nobody knows how the world is going to end only predictions and opinions

  9. The U.S is 4% of the world's pop

  10. Maybe read the rest of the thread first? We've been over this, it's 4.4%
  11. Sharknado
  12. August 13th, 8462 (Approx. Within the proximity of 2000 years of estimated date) lmfao
  13. A girl will go on the internet then the world will end

  14. I met my wife on the Internet 
  15. I'm sorry to tell you but your wife is secretly a man
  16. Will the Mexican mutants be able to finally barbeque beans? Right now they just fall through the grates. This could be scary.
  17. Mutated zombies infecting the world and the gateway to hell opens
  18. When John Cena Loses
  19. I was wrong the world has already ended