Potential Solutions to the Plunder System

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IlIlIlIlI-Versa-IlIlIlIlI, Jan 30, 2014.

  1. Idea 1. As a possible enhancement to that creating an overly high inflation they could potentially just lower the overall plunder. Say a 13 mil cs account pays 50 mil a hit could drop to 30 mil or 40 mil etc. That'd lower the chances of the increase in OSF and inflation.
  2. I went with #1 as it seems to be potentially the easiest adaption that could be made.
  3. Sounds good but since propack items don't show on profiles like allies an other stuff, it shouldn't be calculated with any of the other stuff
  4. Idea #1 con - pro pack sales would drop. Who wants to buy an item with real cash to only work against them.

    I'm a strong believer that bonuses such as achievements, resets, clan achievements, pro packs, and flags(for the time being) shouldn't be calculated in payout.
  5. I feel like #2 is the most logical. The harder the opponent, the higher payout. This would be complicated though because not only does it take into account your opponents stats but your stats relative to theirs to calculate the right amount given. Great ideas, though!!
  6. Here is the solution.

    Each building type/level has a plunder cap value, just like the original plunder cap system from 2009/2010, back before they tweaked the ally plunder system and made it all goofy.

    If you attack someone with defense that's more than than 1.2x your atk power (building stats atk plus bfe atk and bfa atk for the attacker, building def plus bfe def plus bfa def for the defender, but not propacks/reset items, ) then you earn 1.5x the plunder cap value. Bonus for going for wins vs someone you're not likely to win against.

    If you attack someone between 0.8 and 1.2x your power (same thing, atk for attacker and def for defender, when comparing power), you earn the normal plunder cap value.

    If you attack someone less than 0.8x your level, you earn 0.5x the plunder cap value. Less gold for going for wins vs someone smaller than you.

    The plunder cap values need to increase with building cost, so for example the plunder cap value for a lvl1 SoS should be less than a lvl2 SoS and they're both less than a lvl3 SoS, and then a lvl1 Volary has a higher plunder cap value still, etc. No more of this crap where people used to use L4 guilds but now use L1 SoS because that's how to make good money in a war. No more of that.

    Spy stats should play absolutely no role in the calculation of ally plunder. Spy buildings can offer a good plunder cap value, like they always did. But spy stats, actual spy power, should not be factored into plunder calcs in any way. That alone is enough to eliminate OSF from the picture, as pointed out in the OP.

    What really needs to change is the plunder cap system needs to go back to a simple three tier system, like I described above. Doing that, combined with substantially better plunder cap values for Volary, T6 etc, would actually encourage people to grow into bigger builds, unlike the way it is now where if you want to war your best bet is to tear everything down and be another boring SoS hansel with strong bfe and bfa.

    This, combined with the change to the matching system that I've been working on, would go a long way toward fixing wars. That and roster sizes of 15 max, that would also be a big improvement.
  7. Oh and one other thing... Yknow how your equipment is locked in for war? They need to do exactly the same thing with BFA. Lock the BFA stats that you have that were used for matching (and bfa should count equally with bfe and building stats in matching -- all done on the basis of total power). Don't try and get into any silliness with "oh but you can't lock ally ownership, people will use war to keep allies blah blah blah". Allies can still get hired at any moment just like always. Lock THE BFA VALUES THEMSELVES. Whatever BFA you had at the time of matching, that's the BFA you have for the whole war, regardless if your allies get hired away or if you hire new allies after matching. We all know there are people out there who sign up for war with lotsa cash out and then after the matching hire enough allies that it changes their clan rank. This is a super super super easy fix to that exploit, and a fix to the matching system. At the time a clan signs up for war, the system takes a snapshot of the BFA values (for each stat) for every player on the roster. That's their BFA value for the war, period. Super simple, elegant fix.
  8. Idea 1# for mine. Simple, elegant. I do t think it increases risk of OSF.

    Like it.
  9. Bump for the devs to read
  10. No support. This just makes hansles over powered and gives a boost to them while making attack builds useless. No support.
  11. As opposed to guild hansels and SH? These solutions at least bring the game back into line :lol: please do tell me why you think it will do what you said and I'll edit it in but you can't just lay that comment down without reasoning.
  12. Another bump. This is a rather important issue after all.
  13. You are just genious! Support to all ideas