Post To One Million

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Tyler1119, Jan 29, 2015.

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  1. Recognize tense. I said is. You said was.
  2. Yes well it still IS the largest.
  3. Meaning its still an accessable thread?
  4. It's accessible through the hearts of many :oops:
  5. The questions thread has had several thousand pages deleted off of it. Also, the original thread was deleted and this one was simply a repost.
  6. IBTL. This is not a game, this is a spam thread. Useless
  8. What if someone was dyslexic... And they commit suicide because the cant say the right number. Think about it before you post this stuff

  10. url=][​IMG][/url]
  11. I am quite certain taht isnt how dyslexia works.
  12. Dood. Cut the spam.
  13. neverrrrrrrr, if i cut the spam then i would have to make 2 sandwitches not 1
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