Possible return of the Plunder War?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by The_Philosopher, Sep 8, 2012.

  1. War tax is now 40% and the only benefit to the OSFS is a tiny bit of mithril
  2. Lol, didn't read beyond the OP.

    Belle said it pretty clearly.
    I retract my previous statement.
  3. @Eric

  4. My time in this game, only seen about 5 OSFs who are that nice
  5. @Philosopher
    You're probably right. The Gilded Lord was to have replaced Haunting as the next step in evolution but the payout sucks.

    The Haunting highest gold payout in EBs.
    Figure of Death, okay gold, but better for Aqua n Inferno plus new pots
    The Guilded Lord, for gold, has all 4 pots n aqua n inferno