Possible means to eliminate non-xtal users in war.

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Randomeyze, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. I support this. What i dont support is war xtals. Imagine how many noobs would war all the time ruining the regular warriors hard work.
  2. OP there are wars that using xtal is not neccessary or if you use xtal it could turn your win into lose. No support

    War Xtals
    Would be better
  3. Probably because we're talking about iwars. Derp...
  4. So because you can afford to spend a large amount of money on a free game and others can't means we should kick them out?

    Noob Alert!
  5. Thx Yup, that's all I wanted to know (and btw it applies to more than this iwar debate) yup, yup, yup.
  6. You're welcome always willing to help those that can't on their own to understand.
  7. Future Valiant Knight in the making (Yup)
  8. I would look pretty in blue.
  9. farmed for not xtaling in iwar. good one. LoL

    most "farmers" have higher priority targets than a non xtaling account in indy. hell 90% of kaw wont even join me hitting inactives after an iwar.

    lock this rubbish.
  10. P2p? Nope. F2p? Yes.