Possible means to eliminate non-xtal users in war.

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Randomeyze, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. Says the leaky build that EE players groan at when on their roster ^
  3. Eclipso if you're talking about me I indi only
  4. Exactly. I hate people like you on my team in Indi.

    Get a real build or go back to being an EB fairy.
  5. No support, not everyone can afford xstals, just because they can afford them or because they refuse to pay to play doesn't mean they shouldn't be able to EE.

    Get over it OP
  6. says⇧the guy with the inactive sword
  7. says⇧the guy with the inactive sword
  8. Says the guy with anxiety that made him tap the post button a good few times and got a double post.

    Most likely an android user.
  9. My inactive sword is worn with pride.

    Get on my level :lol:
  10. Is the broken sword given to inactives? Lol
  11. I bet it is eclipso i see your a kotfe recruit when did they start taking ppl who fail to show up for war
  12. Duh hello! Hit quests
  13. @eclipso I don't care who you like or don't like on your indi team... I have as much right as you to choose whether or not to war as well as what build to have
  14. @Support rooney
  15. Uhm hi.

    My indy war just ended 33 mins ago.

    @:21:XX i had RL punch me in the balls. No no, im ok dont worry.

    We were down few mill when RL happened. No xtal called yet, regardless of whether i would have dropped or not, i started war with 17 of each adp.

    Dummy cost team a win right? Wrong.
    Dummy had ee leaker full potted didnt xtal and went M.I.A. for 20mins and still waving his EE5 in the air smoking another 80mith.

  16. -_^ Get on MY level...

    *Im ^up^ there btw.
  17. Wars weren't made to benefit xtal users. Ppl decided to make this crap rule. So deal with it.
  18. Why not when you cat woc, a question pops up. Crystal or no? You Click crystal for yes and no for no. If yo click yes and are found lying, War ban. Broken sword spell. Of you click no, you'll be rostered in a clan that you aren't using crystals in war.

    If your think people would just press no, your wrong. Those who are really competitive in wars sill want to crystal for better chances. Proper not completely solved, but it might help.