Possible means to eliminate non-xtal users in war.

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Randomeyze, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. So funny watching non war builds shouting no support......nooobs
  2. Uk u aint a war build leave thread or be my next farm u idiot
  3. @steph I doubt the number of people who will opt to war with crystals if they have two options like that

    And no support to Op... Indi wars were made for ppl to get the feel of wars and have fun.. I get that ppl who spend money on crystals feel cheated because others don't spend money but it personal choice and a matter of finances... U don't have the right to decide that people need to pay to war in a fee game called kingdoms at war.. That's just plain stupid
  4. Did you really just pick out the smallest person you could find without a war build to threaten? Look out,everyone. We got a bad ass over here!
  5. Im happy to hit u instead if u prefer
  6. oh wow cuz im not converting away from a war build because of idiots like op.
  7. Support to UK.... There is no need to farm someone for of having a war build and yet commenting on a thread about wars.... I'm doing it
  8. I don't see any incoming? I don't see me off the thread either.
  9. Lol pars.ty for support but leave them alone. They'll change tunes when they grow a bit more. I didn't make this to start fights but to provide an idea for devs to think about.
  10. This is a free to play game, and it is meant for fun. That's the whole point of it - you don't have to pay if you don't want to. I support the op saying that we could get a free xstal at the start of the war because it puts everyone on an even footing, and stops people complaining about others not using it. But at the end of the day everyone takes that risk when casting woc, and not everyone wants to spend real money on an app.
  11. Man oh man.... when i grow a bit o.o

    im this small cuz i choose to be. More gold as a little than as a 6m cs hansel.
  12. Never mind, I thought op meant everyone gets a free xstal at the start of war, not have to deposit one in advance. But as I said in my other post, if the devs did actually give everyone a free xstal at the start then it would make everyone even, and eliminate people complaining.
  13. So if the war is a blow out, 30bil down with 30mins to go, we lose an xtal regardless, even tho there is no point in xtalling? No support
  14. Or devs could refund xtals used by the losing team
  15. This is the problem with society .... to many freeloaders in life......people who can afford smart phones and internet but lack the funds for the 69p xtal........but they want the ee that goes with a win and arent prepared to inform the wc they dont have jeopordising all us paying customers through selfish actions........oh yes no support please have more spongers wasting my money in wars and my time so they can maybe get some ee ...lol so many idiots on this thread
  16. I lost nearly every indi war when people don't use xtals but I don't blame them. War is a team effort but also a learning curve for new warriors. Educate them. The amount of people complaining and shouting abuse in cc does not help when the reply is OMG Noob. If u explained to people what waves and spamming means then people would have a chance. Xtals win wars no doubt but I lost them nearly everytime to a loss that's just the way it goes.

    My point is educate and train new people or they will never learn and when a side lose remember the chance was only 50/50 and no one dies. This is just a game and I will be glad when season 4 is finished but hold no grudge you win some and you lose some. For me I lose A lot.
  17. The only idiot I see is the one crying about wasted money that you choose to voluntarily spend. Don't whine because people choose not to give the devs money that isn't a requirement. BTW where is my incoming?
  18. Parsfan it's not about lacking funds rather it's about choosing not to spend money on a game
    But I think you have a logical solution hidden in your rant... Ppl who war without xtals should have the courtesy to inform their way commander so that strategies can be made accordingly
  19. Problem is this is a "free" game and its not required by dev rule to buy an xstal.

    so anyone can war for free in this game. Sorry no support for you
  20. This is why their is three types of wars. Round and primal clans can make any requirment they wish.

    Inde or "noob" wars are open to any build. If you dont like non xstal users or inactive peeps than dont do inde wars. Preaty simple realy