Yes when I updated to iOS8 Kaw slow down!! Spins a lot and takes forever to load up!! Worse mistake I have done! If u havnt updated phone yet DONT!!!
Agree with the comments above. Items take about 3-5 seconds for one to go through, and it takes at least 2 minutes just to unload troops, not counting spies. Kinda counter productive on ebs with short regen. Messages fail to send about 30-40% of the time. The issues are continuous and haven't gotten better since the ug. So, please don't run an HTE special anytime soon. I'll only get 1 item in.
It makes login into Kaw impossible sooo slow. Plz help us ios8 users. Don't download ios8 until a bug fix is found. Plus won't update apps. It's terrible
Same. When tapping attack, assassinate, steal or scout, it takes 3-5 seconds of the spinner before success. Occasionally, the action will render normal speed to get through (less than a second) - for 1-3 hits - but then back to the delayed action. I just updated to iOS 8 yesterday, and it started. iPhone 5s
Omg this is pathetic. Can't even hit stupid eb. Phone just spins. How the hell r we supposed to war if atk's don't go thru?
Ios8 update and KAW interface sucks - it's extremely slow and lagging. I'm signing off law for the day and holding all purchased they oracle until the interface is fixed ️
even keyboard sucks, I have to type blind and "guess" where the send button is at for messaging. If I can't be social in a social based ap, what's the point lol
iphone 5s , updated ios and now takes over 5mins an unload and during war really bad lag and ko before i know ,