Discussion in 'Wars' started by Durian, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. Yes, exactly right. Kingdoms at EB. OSW clans will make fun of eb fairies and hit some of them, otherwise they'll spend their time stripping and beating the **** out of each other. EE'rs will have badass equip you can't get unless you war, or until recently sell your mother's kidney for the mith to get a season 3 set. Let everyone do what they want. You're trying to force people into playing the game the way YOU like to play the game. Not everyone enjoys it the way you do. Let the devs try (and most likely fail) at fixing EE. Continue warring, or don't, who cares. Everything will be as it's supposed to be. You're taking the name of the game much too seriously. And actually, I've already given my argument, you just make it too easy to insult you. Ayyyy 
  2. Thanks for the valuable inputs, everyone.

    @Fonzy: As you suggested, there are many other ways to motivate people to war. I only gave a few examples. I'm sure there are better ideas out there if devs are willing to try some. As for the matches, I think there will be less no matches if devs match similar/same rosters. People complained about lbs/shs exploits everywhere right? Then wouldn't there be plenty of matches if devs match them to each other? Others not using lb/sh will also war more often since they don't have to face lbs/shs all the time. I think eventually that's the way to solve the nm problem and encourage more clans to war. Currently most of the matches didn't happen that way, which is why there were so many complaints. The winning clan complained about the war being boring and the losing clan complained about the loss both due to the mismatch. I don't see any fun warring in a mismatch and I don't think many clans stacked on purpose to draw easy matches. For most of the time, it's rather made to avoid mismatches. That's why ghs/shs became more popular after s1. This problem can be solved by implementing no. 3 in my post. We may expect some no matches in the beginning but as people gain confidence from the close matches and war more, there will be less no matches and wars will be more fun too.

    @hand of god, thanks for the support.
  3. Dev is it that hard to match same/similar build together in war? To solve that u can only come up with indi/primal? Wake up ur cheap cheating idea
  4. Support. All very good points. I also agree with fonzi that wars should be a critical part of kingdoms at WAR. Or change the games name to kingdoms at epic battles. Scac out!
  5. Oh! I like this alot! I love when I work on the war ss and realize it's going to be a rough war. It's not nice to match an experienced clan against a clan that is new, undertowered and inexperienced. Those clans need to be able to have a chance too. Perhaps devs could get a chat of experienced EE clan owners to discuss some real solutions instead of ignoring bfa/bfe because they can't figure out how to address the issue. Many people have spent a lot of real money to do clan wars where builds matter, bfa matters, bfe matters and experience and strategy matters.
  6. Full support 
  7. Again from what I've heard they've considered matching build to build. But due to the added factors to make a match, it would be very hard to find a match with today's limited participation.

    My "forcing people to war" idea isn't radical. 168 hours of a week and you only need 1 of those hours to keep your edge and everything flowing.

    There could also be a spell introduced that you can only use one time per year, that would let you vacation for a month or whatever.

    Lets say there are 10,000 active players in kaw. If everyone had to war one time per week, that would be 1,428 players warring per day. All the matches would most likely be fair, and fun if combined with xiao's idea.

    Also we should be able to keep indi, for the clans who don't want to put forth the effort to build rosters or whatever.
  8. Full support to this! Regardless of people complaining about the SH exploit why can't the devs just bring back clan wars even if it is as a rotation in S4 along side primal and individual wars. That way if people feel so strongly against clan wars they need not participate it's as simple as that. Therefore you'd make S4 appeal to a larger number of people.
  9. Support
    This thread focuses on working on resolutions rather than ignoring or bypassing the problems and it's about time.
  10. It's tough reading peoples comments about fixing a system or mentioning sh exploits , while all they have done is take advantage of said exploit .

    Really , really tough to read.
  11. 100% support

    Sometimes real solutions are tough to swallow as well as implement. But that's exactly what this post by X highlights. The problem is not the long time ee warriors that have done hundreds of wars. The problem is and will reside in the matchmaking process that the devs refuse to work on. They rather take the lazy way out with primal and Indy wars.
  12. Support!! Well put xiao! Very good idea bro 
  13. We need a good fix to ee wars. Primal and Indy wars are not the answer. I support xiao's ideas. Close matched wars are the most fun by far. No one likes an easy win, but it is also no fun do to be badly out matched every time. I also like building bfa to use in war, and warring with my clan mates. Primal and Indy can not provide that. Dev's you need to find a fix before it's to late to recover.
  14. No one likes an easy win? Really ?

    Take a look at some people in this threads clan histories.

    They love easy wins.
  15. Actually I should've said they prefer easy wins .
  16. I only see you and your bottom-feeding rosters. tsk tsk tsk.
  17. Only clear way I see from all these comments and ideas is to increase the incentive to war. Main reason everyone is complaining is bc of exploits and teams stacking. Only the same clans war every week anyways, like fonz said with more people participating many more fair matches will come about.
  18. As X stated in the first post, we're willing to support that. We do agree that more participation is needed but it won't work without a fair matching system in place.

    It's up to the developers whether they want to improve their system or just keep with the small fixes.

    Also, the participation won't increase with the mediocre incentive that they offer. There's clearly no incentive to war anymore.
  19. Very good ideas Xiao. Let us hope that the devs listen to someone who isn't a noob, for once.


    Ḏґαgoηṧ $αᾔ¢ṫυαя¥
  20. With regards to incentives to war it has always seemed to me that the 14 mith spells are largely redundant as everyone casts them and are long with pots a prohibative entry cost to EE. When you add in that with 2/3 hrs of no ebs which cound be as much as 15-20 bill it's eaay to see why people don't bother. Mow with the