Possible Answer to: 'How to get the Electric Bow?'

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by DarkAce97, Jan 27, 2013.

  1. It's was the EE that caused you to receive the bow.
  2. That didnt really answer my question at all...
  3. If you had estoc, that's probably why u got it
  4. I got my bow the first day TGL came out 
  5. Its supposed to give you from 25-50% increase in drop rate..
    i DO see a HUGE difference when it comes to equip drops, however mage drops stay the same for me..
  6. Do i should use my spies? Im not given up on the bow, ill let ya know jow n when i get it. Thanks so much!
  7. I know how to get the bow, do the eb, TGL
  8. U must kaw naked the entire eb to ensure the 100% drop on the bow
  9. Any alliance whose purpose is not the intention to wage war is senseless and useless.
  10. Awesome! You broke an algorithm based off thousands of variables!! It HAS to be the way:)

    Now can you figure out what I need to do to pick the right lotto numbers please? Thanks in advance