Pope Versus Trump

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PipeBomb, Feb 18, 2016.

  1. Why people so worried about a wall? Immigration problems? Let's build them a tunnel to Canada. I'm sure Mexico will pay for that. ? Win . Win. For us and Mexico.. Sorry Canada
  2. Great idea actually.
  3. Agreed! Let's do it!
  4. Jedi: you asked what's wrong with trump changing his mind? Nothing. But his recent conversion to concervative views like being pro life and such are so new that he isn't a proven quantity.

    People like bush, Cruz and Rubio are all known quantities with a long record to back up their claims.

    Trump is a liberal democrat pretending to be a republican, and he is pulling this biggest con the American public has ever seen IMHO.
  5. Moose Obama can't be topped on biggest fraud. All u mentioned above all have had change of hearts. Or whatever you call it. Idrc about abortion this election. As many don't either. It's economy and jobs. You tell me who is best suited in those 2 categories?
  6. Probably Rubio. Although bush did well with the Florida economy.
  7. He was part of the gang of 8! If it was so great why is he running from it? Speaks volumes ? Right .. back to my tunnel to Canada.its a win I'm telling you
  8. So...... Trumo says Reed and pelosi are his friends, and he looks forward to working with them, but you knock Rubio for being part of the gang of 8???
  9. Btw, I have no delusions that I can change a trump supporter to anything else. I honestly believe that people who follow trump are either stupid, or bigots, or stupid bigots. It's hard to get through to people like that
  10. I myself am not religious but the pope is supposed to be basically the man who interperets god's law on earth, the pope is basically god on earth, he is religion, i dont know much about trump but he must be pretty stubborn. To question a religious leader, especially the pope is huge insult
  11. Hah, you assume that the church isn't a solid business. Throughout history they have made their share of money I assure you.
  12. support
  13. The fact that you would call someone stupid or a bigot based on who they would vote for almost perfectly aligns you with the definition of a bigot.
  14. That's a fair point, but, my challenge to you is to find trump supporters that say smart things. Or, to find something good trump says that isn't either a bumper sticker arguement or something blatantly hateful.
  15. Check mate!
  16. Why u so mad moose? Racist . Bigot.lol . I'm just talking about a tunnel to Canada. You not feeling it? Lmao
  17. Moose is a undercover. Hates trump but is from Canada.lol. I'm all for a 3rd term of Obama.lolz
  18. This.
  19. Never said I was mad. I'm just "telling it like it is" which is something trump supporters always seem to like about "the Donald" lol
  20. Lol . If I told it like it is . Probably a forum ban but hey to each is own. Happy kawing! ! ( feel the bern. Burn. Whatever it is!)