Pope Versus Trump

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PipeBomb, Feb 18, 2016.

  1. Full Support
  2. I would like to point out that, at least for Christians, Jesus would have that ability. The others on the other hand did not. Moses and Ezekiel spoke with God and carried out His will whereas Paul judged other Christians (which is encouraged when presented properly). Just something I thought I'd clear up really quick.
  3. Did you honestly think the pope could stump the trump?

    He is nothing to donald, but just another shill to make fun of. He will stump the pope with precision of which the likes never seen before on this earth.

    Only if the pope had known the kind of retribution attempting to stump the trump would bring down upon himself, maybe he would have thought twice. But he couldn't, he didn't. And now he will pay the price, as the foolish guacamole bowl merchant he is!

    Build a wall. Make America great again.
    You can't stump the trump.

    (yes this is copy pasta i just wrote based on something else)
  4. Leave thread Ashton.
  5. Why should the pope (who lives in Vatican City) feel the need to say anything about American politics? Also, let's see the pope come out from his walls and his bulletproof pope mobile. I can't comprehend why the pope would even go after Trump. I think Trump has clearly won this round.

    If anyone is curious - I am Catholic, I tend to support the pope but Pope Francis is just too liberal for me. I support Trump. I would on a normal occasion support religion. Trump 2016, let's make America great again!
  6. Doesn't it bother you that he was pro choice until last summer?
    Does it bother you that he gave money to the democrat party in the past?
    Does it bother you that he's friends with pelosi and wants to work with her?
    Does it bother you that he said he'd put his sister on the Supreme Court?
    Does if bother you that he makes racist and bigoted statements? (How the hell do you ban Muslims from America, and do you think every Muslim is evil?)
    Doesn't "make America great again" sound as stupid as 'hope and change"?

    Just curious, as your a catholic and all
  7. You haven't had to deal with Obama Care ... It's not anything like Aussie or UK national healthcare. I'm not opposed to national healthcare but the concept of taking hard earned money from the middle class to pay for healthcare of others that aren't working (not those that can't work but those that have been allowed to cheat the system) ... then providing crappy coverage to that same group that paid for themselves and the other group ... it's a completely flawed system ... no one was allowed to even read the whole thing before passing the law ... a trustworthy person would tell you up front everything
  8. If you want to believe the OT prophets never had to teach people about their beliefs and why they worship God instead of baal or amareth, thats your belief. There are numerous times in scripture where the people of God questioned the ability of God and tested His power against other religions. All throughout the book of Judges we see that picture of israel forgetting God, then a judge is raised up to bring them back. That Judge, along with the priests, had to teach and question the faith of no only their people, but the other inhabitants around them so they would know who truly was worthy to sacrifice in the temple. Weighing someone's lifestyle against the law was necessary. Which is questioning one's faith.

    Ezekiel questioned the faith of other religions by asking them to light a wood alter. False gods could not.

    Moses questioned his own faith and Egypt's when choosing to follow God instead of staying with Pharoah, living like a king.

    The isrealites questioned the faith of the ishmaelites. And samaritans. And the philistines. They questioned their gods.

    Paul questioned the romans faith and the non-believer. He questioned the faith of the people of Corinth, who had turned to mixing the ways of the greek temple with the church, and committing sexual immorality.

    James questioned the true Christian's belief, saying we shall know our brethren by their works through faith. He spends the entire book talking about how to identify true Christians, and that we are to question each other's faith of they are not producing fruit.

    Peter wrote how we should approach christian families, and how to identify false prophets among the church, calling us to question their faith.

    The point is the entire bible is meant to allow for questioning the world religions and doctrines, weighing it against the Word, so we know who is a true follower of Christ. When we question the works and lives of others, we are doing so by the Authority of scripture, which is a biblical command. And nearly everyone, from Adam to the the second coming of Christ in scripture, questions someone on their faith. Either faith on God, or the validity of faith of a false god.
  9. As for the Pope questioning Trump's faith ... a true Christ follower would have talked with Trump privately instead of doing it through the media ... I agree with Moose that someone who lives behind barricades and walls to protect his way of life has no business questioning someone else's desire to protect their way of life with a wall ...

    As for Trump changing his stance on pro-choice to pro-life ... what's wrong with him deciding something is wrong? ... he's human and allowed to change his mind about issues
  10. One imaginary friend verses another. *shrug*
  11. Only thing to say to this is. All sovereign nations back in the time of building the Vatican were surrounded by walls
  12. Pope leads fictional chruch...trump runs actual businesses....game set Trump.
  13. I guess you hope there's an imaginary heaven and hell :)
  14. No heaven, no hell. Only life, death, then decay that fertilizes the soil to help produce new life.
  15. One of those nations was Rome and it didn't keep its immigrants and "terrorists" (barbarians) out ... it was part of their downfall.
  16. That's your opinion and choice ... We are all free to choose what we believe, but none of us are free to choose the consequences of our choices.
  17. Rome the city itself did a good job at keeping people out , now rome the nation was over extended which led to the breakup and formation of the east and west roman empires which fell in 400ad and 1300 something if im not mistaken

    Now about the pope , for a reason purely other than religion, and race, having a wall is practical if a large amount of outsiders were in the vatican imagine what would happen to their archives and statues that carry a large amount of history

    As for america having a wall no i do not agree with it , but immigration laws need to be considered
  18. There ARE immigration laws but they are ignored