Poor Pay on Hit when Attacking a Ghansel and How to Fix it

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -_nbd_-, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. lol another thread about "gh exploit". Guys, GH is a build, we dont exploit ANYTHING and if you hate them, destroy them, or get out of their range. DO NOT POST ABOUT IT ON FORUMS. It has been discussed enough. Assa them in EE to not have to attack them to ko. If towers then let your hansels do that. Easy…
  2. If you put equipment strength in for payout on gh then it should be applied to all
  3. I've never really had an issue w the gh's, aside from the plunder loophole they're not really much of a threat. The best resolution I've heard so far is obvious no tier 1's on tier 2 no tier 2's on tier 3. Reimburse for the buildings that were there like they did w the towers n viola prob solved
  4. Exactly atree. It's the basic pvp payout mechanic that needs a small tweak to include equipment. Not a EE only or GH only tweak, but one that includes everyone.
  5. The easiest solution would just be to add a minimum attack value to every build in ee wars.
    Something I previously suggested before devs introduced the dtw/dts rubbish.
    Minimum value before a certain build level naturally pays higher benefits all
    All builds inc gh can earn more in wars. As attacking other gh will earn them far more plunder.
    It kills the exploit of the build at the high end of warring and the ludicrous stacking of rosters that dominates wars now. Opening wars up again to a larger variety of builds rather than just lb and gh.
  6. My engineer friends are big fans of the KISS philosophy. Keep it simple, stupid. Otherwise you over think the problem and create extra problems in the process. Kinda like how has been already done.
  7. As I've said many times before and others here have mentioned, there is a simple and very effective solution to this which is to factor BFE into the plunder calculation across the board.

    If very well equipt GH's paid very well to hit for most anyone not on the LB, as they should, there would be no issue.
  8. GH exploid problem, possible ideas:

    1/ DTW PROBLEM (too weak/strong) to hit GH = more ppl should be able hit them
    DTw (too weak/strong) maybe could be calculated not only about overall build stats, but including
    BFA + BFE too and should be based on special calculations for spies and separately for troops.
    GH has usual bad attack/defense, but bigger spyat/defense ... so if this GH is hit by
    middle player with about 1-500k spies then should be able go through (and not get defender too week report), coz there is not difference between GH 700k stats spies and 400k spies of middle player which cant hit only coz has 5 mil attack and 5 mil defense.....

    2/ REVERSE DEFENSE POTS EFFECT ON LUNDER = Plunder against GH should be higher
    now its less defense pots = less pludner for attacker,
    could be less defense pots = bigger plunder for attacker (coz is player defense more vulnerable
    and should make more money to attacker).
    ==> this will increase GH costs for wars (they will need defense pots) and without defense pots will get attacker more that current plunder
    And with pots stats + build stats together will be differences between plunder when hit small or big player smaller
    Why this reverse? coz all know that normal warriors always use all pots ... and GH dont use defense pots, coz of this exploid

    idk if this all help enough ... but should be tested :roll:

    3/ FIXING MATCHUP SYSTEM = remove half-chicken system
    Whats half-chicken system? its that current system mostly use only clans power, not clan structures.

    It means that clan with two middle players could be matched up with clan with 1 LB and 1 GH noob
    ... results of their war = middle players fail hit LB and cant hit coz of dtw GH, but LB could easy hit both middle players ...... according devs have both clans same chances and all players eat 1/2 chicken, but in fact only LB eat whole chicken and others are hungry ......

    FAIR matchups calculations bring NO-MATCHUP to clans with much different roster structure (too many GH in clan) ... something like build balance
    example: clan with 20 GH shouldnt be matched clan with only 5 GH ...., but could be matched with clan of 18 GH ........... thats clear solution too

    btw. we thought that new devs hit ratio indicator solve this, but its in-effective and nobody know how work .... :lol:
  9. Soul, pots cause you to be hitting a "bigger" or hard target, giving you 1/2 of the potion's value in static troops plunder, i have an unholy hit ratio, and you will not see something as easily changed as BFE be factored into DTS/DTW, because that mechanic changes game wide, not just in EE, and BFA is already factored in, along with several other factors. Plunder is based on building strength, tier, and potion bonus for defender (1/2 of potion added, 12(ish) mil cap atm).
  10. They are a good build and a style of play but it isn't my style I like my plunder and watching the fails flow but as someone said before just hit someone else with better stats and ass them guilded hancels to nothingness

    -Devs have come up with a way to force them out of gh with new lands just saying btw-
  11. i think we talk about EE- wars .... all ideas here are about changes in ee-wars
    out of ee-wars could stay as are now

    and yes, idk what could be effect ... .best solution is better matchup system based on clan power and structure too ....

    hmmm i think new lands didnt help with GH problem fix .....
  12. But think about it gh gets the oks
    Bigger builds gets the plunder
    never seen a gh get more than a bil in the plunder and the att builds I've seen go up to 4bil
  13. The basic pvp payout has been a little off ever since the mage came out. Before equipment was a non-issue, but things are different now. The devs tried to fix it a few months ago, but they just went off the wall instead of the small tweak players were asking for. It DOES need fixed game wide, not just in EE.
  14. Make everyone pay around the same thing in ee. Boom. Problem solved.
    Now go have a banana.
  15. An effective EE guild hansel wouldnt need pots to hit EBs. They should have enough equipment to do fine. Currently, with only a t2 balanced and a l3 castle, I need the 7.5m pot to hit TSG. If I never dropped my 2t in allies, this wouldn't be a problem
  16. *Sigh*
    Stop complaining, you all sound like the noobs back in season 1 when they cried about tower mechanics. Now here we are a few tears later and your crying about another EE "problem"

    Easy solution for you:
    Make a gh alt
    Don't do EE wars…
    Stop crying about it and get sine cream to help with the butt hurt
  17. No need to over think a solution. The solution is easy and has been suggested before. It goes like this....

    1. Each successful attack earns 50 million. Regardless of any build.
    2. If someone chooses to steal, they make 25m per steal

    This eliminates any and all build types vs. Payout differences.

    It turns the focus back to what war is about. Wins vs. Losses.

    Wins vs. Losses are the basis for every competition known.

  18. Maybe these are easy changes:

    1/ without defense pots should GH get less mith in wars = thats how much GH used pots to win war?????

    reduce mith payout for GH to 50% without using defense pots and we will see ..... :p
  19. Would it be a bad thing to just have everybody in EE war pay 50m regardless of build?
  20. I have always said base the plunder on the attackers build, not the defender's. Just like playing EB. The higher your stats the better you get paid per hit. It will solve the GH issue once and for all.