
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Rio-, May 9, 2016.

  1. Optimal not sure if you are too young to remember but the government did have a try at running the British Car industry . I give you British Leyland remember them ? It's for a very good reason they made some truly awful cars, and yes rover was part of the British Leyland group, Like MG, Austin, the Metro remember that car ? The flagship hope for the British car industry it was a festering hunk of junk.

    Don't like the state of industry in the uk that's due to successive governments attempting to fix things both conservative and labour and both making a farce of it.

    As for all the political leadership being toffs as some one suggested, the son of a bus driver just became the Mayor of London, Jeremy Corbyn is as far from a polished Oxbridge political figure as you can imagine. Heck even Baroness Thatcher was the Daughter of a Chemist. There's been a change in political face of this country over the last few decades it's not perfect but it's certainly improved. That said having some leaders who've attended and been educated at some of the best schools in the world isn't exactly a terrible thing either.
  2. Part of the European USA trade deal would actually benefit us if we stay on as we would be a prime candidate for American investment, as we currently are. If we leave as stated by Obama. That interest leaves for an EU partner.

    London is a major banking powerhouse. Unfortunately one sector that has already announced job losses this year due to global changes won't prop up the 3 million lost jobs from manufacturing.

    That's nearly 10% of the working age population predicted to be unemployed.

    There is not one deal pre discussed.
    Saying they have no reason to stop trade is true. But the short term is that we would slip back to world trade until a new trade deal is reached. That's a 17% tariff. No trade deal agreed and best intention has no place being on the table.

    Being a forceful strong voice is a reason to stay in. Being a single voice outside. Frankly they won't care about our say.

    As I said if we could agree to pulling out and had the infrastructure to do so. If we had a government that would fight our cause we would have leave deals on the table and a better stay in incentive.

    But we don't. We have literally nothing in writing on the table for the leave campaign.

    Other than multiple global corporations saying they will pull out.

    Give us ten years. And a huge government ouch to prepare us. And we should be able to Vote leave.

    Personally right now. Destroying our country for a poorly timed publicity gimmick by the government that passes all the blame and a we told you this would happened if we left onto the people is ridiculous.
    It's a dirty campaign designed to fail.
    Because they know there is nothing like the ground work we need for it to be viable.

    Regrettably if I want my children to grow up and have jobs and a future in a highly industrial nation. We need the foreign money and investors and manufacturers.
    Without them. We will crash. Badly.

    And I really honestly do want us out. But I cannot do that too my children. Not for a selfish desire of getting rid of migrants.

    On a global scale. We need a new tax system that operates as simply as if it brought and sold here. Manufactured here. If it is earnt here Tax is paid here. And tax havens need to be blocked with tax paid to those who are rightly owed. Tax avoidance is the most shameful aspect of the modern world. If you aren't contributing to the country you earn and normally live in. You have no right earning your money here.
  3. British leyland was a disaster for so many reasons on so many levels.
    Quality wasn't there.
    The rover quality was and the mini was stolen by BMW. And mg by the Chinese.

    Had they saved it and run it competitively with extra help lured in.
    Every police car, diplomats car ambulance and any other sector car could have been a rover.
    A base model standardised and pushed to compete.
    The mini alone would have secured mass sales for the brand among civilians. The options for a competently run state supported industry are huge.
    But they chose to let it collapse and have other companies pick and choose what they took and build them largely elsewhere. Foreign companies now getting the profit and reaping the rewards.
    All because they wouldn't hire the expertise to run with an idea that could have saved the British car industry with a lot of hard work.

    Smaller companies like Aston Martin have been to the brink a few times. And showed through excellent management and bold thinking even a limited low production company can survive.
    One that has guaranteed customers. Ie every police force in the UK. Could have fared very well and saved the treasury the profit it paid to foreign firms.
    The same as if the had saved the British train manufacturer. Risks have to be taken.

    They gambled hugely bailing out banks.
    And they have no incentive scheme to offer the nations powerhouse firms tax breaks by offering their best advisors and minds to review government budgets and for example road plans or military prototype funding and budgeting.
    Cut a company a tax break and get access to the best minds for a limited time to solve national issues. With those best suited in the market to advise on various sectors.

    The same model the Germans use, which works so much better than ours.
  4. Optimal the issue I have with the ttip is that they can take governments to court over policies that could affect there bottom line and this could lead to corporations like the fuel industry hampering clean energy policies. In other words corporations could indirectly dictate policy decisions at least that's my take on it from what I know.

    Also if all the innovators of governments around the world could come together and share their ideas and people in government could be open minded enough to implement the strategies then I believe it could only be positive. Unfortunately I don't have faith that they honestly care about that but one generations discontent is anothers action and tbh when the majority recognise the problem the next generation in government will probably be much more effective having grown with the issue, It's just a shame it isn't in 2016.
  5. I totally agree.
    And a shock announcement recently for something similar is Glaxo smith Kline, freely at first instance lifting the limit of patents and allowing global countries of poorer disposition for instead of an upfront licensing fee taking a very small limited royalty. This effectively leads to a far cheaper life saving cancer drug on the market.
    If only all firms were so motivated.

    But even with gestures like this. It just goes to show. Across the board. There is zero preparation. And we are damned either way due the lack preparation.

    This is a stupid time for the EU referendum.
    All the deals and security deals and every aspect should have been discussed long before it got this far.
    And it's truly shameful to admit our government is this incompetent.
  6. Look where voting the black man in got us.....nowhere.
  7. Seems to be a lot of post, so I'll just set this lemonade stand here to help my budget.
  8. U.K. Uses their own money right ? While most members use the euro. I'm not sure

    U.K. Isn't dependent on the EU so to break away from that unstable pact would be benificial for uk.
  9. Voting the Bushes in got us wars and trillions in debt.
  10. Lemonade...50 cents!
  11. Ah so you have the same system we have in America.
  12. Obama has set America up for a half decent economic future. Sure, he's done some not so good stuff (*cough* OBAMACARE *cough*), but he has done some good stuff (opening Alaska oil reserves)
  13. The bookmakers have vote stay odds on favourite
  14. he hasn't done to much bad or to much good. A lot because of congress. But hey it's cause he's black he hasn't done much
  15. We have our own currency. But we are Locked into a trade and legal system that allow us to for a cost trade with any member of the European Union for a reduced fee than the world trade agreement offers.
    We for example Also have to agree to the court of European rights mandate.
    We signed up to a system that allows the European Union to determine laws that affect our own nation. With member states having a vote on those laws.
    These laws override our own laws
    For example if Britain wants to deport a terror suspect, the suspect has the right to appeal to the European court.
    Which is one of the largest issues along with open borders that people would love to stop.

    However at the current moment we did approximately £800 billion export trade with the European Union. The Tarif on that trade was approximately 8%.
    If we come out we have no deal with the European Union and would be placed instantly back to the world trade agreement ( with double the Tarif equivalent) whisky new trade deals are formed if they may even be formed.

    Certain countries have said they will block deals from an independent Britain.
    Others state a requirement would be to keep our borders open. As well as raised tariffs.

    Unfortunately not one idiot for the leave campaign has actually negotiated an out deal prior to proposing we leave.

    And the vast majority of foreign big money investors
    Ie The car manufacturing industry and other large volume manufacturers have stated they would reduce UK operations in favour of opening plants in a EU member state.

    So bluntly. Damned if we do. Damned if we don't.
    Staying in means accepting more migrants and more interference from Brussels. But better job security.

    Leaving means accepting we will plunge the country back into recession at least as equivalent to the last economic crash we have just dug out way out of.
    And having to pay increased costs on exports. Retaining open borders if we want to trade with the EU and suffering huge job losses as the big manufacturers move to EU block States. ( an estimated 3 million job losses. Just under 10% of the working age population.

    And the worst part is. I would love to vote out.
    But I cannot be a party to destroying the economy and the future of my own children.

    We need a ten year exit plan with proper leadership enhancing British business so we can be self sustaining first. And with deals on the table ready negotiated before we have a referendum.

    The current so called choice is simply put. Pure nonsense.
  16. Well, to be fair to the leave campaign, they have no way of officially opening those talks, or reaching any agreement. The only person that could authorise that has been too busy trying to transfer wealth bottom to top.

    Facts are these negotiations should have started 3 years ago.
  17. Again that goes to the incompetence of the government.
    They have not planned for both options.
    Before any referendum they should have negotiated the best possible exit deals and deals to stay in.
    That way they could have provided the people with a real choice.
    But the reality is the government have no intention of allowing us to leave.
    The House of Lords could, though unprecedented block a leave vote.
    The government is relying on their incompetence to prepare the nation for a proper exit proposal to ensure that people vote stay in or risk collapsing our economy.

    But what do we expect from a government that vilifies disabled people? And runs fear based campaigns.
    Vs a party that cannot present one simple financial fact if we left.

    At least this is just a referendum. The next general election. We have an even worse decision that will most assuredly damage this nation for the foreseeable future rather than set up any of the much needed growth and stability we need.
  18. From what I understand, if UK leaves, trade becomes harder with Eu countries but then again we don't have to follow their regulations, we have more control over how many immigrants and we don't waste money supporting Eu countries that are constantly in need of money. Bit of a bummer for Germany since they are the main reason why the Eu still exists.
    Was under the impression UK depended a lot of trade so don't think leaving is such a great thing.
    Probably a lot of ppl voting out just wants to avoid immigrants and paying them benefits or something.
  19. Not quite, you have to remember the British are generally an extremely proud nation, we do not like being told what to do, especially by unelected officials.

    However that is one of the factors.

    Yeah a lot of the U.K. Depends on trade, however no one has found out how much more trade we could have with India / China etc outside the eu, where we could negotiate our own deals.

    I'm afraid OC is correct, this was terribly prepared for
  20. The European Parliament is an elected body with regular elections. If the quality of the people sent to the European Parliament isn't that high then that's down to the people voting for them.
    Don't complain that the eu doesn't represent you if your elected representatives refuse to participate in the proceedings or vote on matters that directly affect you. That's the ukip MEPS. Complain the EU isn't reforming then refuse to actually do what they are there to do and be active in the running of the EU.