Political Crap Bc Why Not

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -CyBeR_EcLiPTiC_MaCHiNE-, Nov 7, 2014.

  1. I don't know buckeye, have you seen wake busters thread? Sorry again bud. Seems like a bunch of loons wanting major reforms that may even screw up america more than it is now. They would need to severely alter some of their already set policy's on public schools or taxes. And yes I've seen many things "wrong" with the party IMO of course.
  2. :lol: Same

    .... :| What am I doing to my once ok-ish forum name...
  3. This is why I'm libertarian and hate big government for these reasons:

    1) corporate welfare
    2) social security
    3) Medicare
    4) medicaid
    5) taxing my wages
    6) giving money to lazy people
    7) tariffs
    8) subsidies political friends (Solyndra)
    9) telling me what I can build on MY property
    10) millions of laws (and then claiming ignorance isn't an excuse)
    11) deciding where kids go to school
    12) drug war

    Few more reasons...

    13) Stopping Keystone
    14) Min wage/benefits set by unions
    15) asset forfeiture laws
    16) forced unionization
    17) banning certain foods
    18) excessive secret service protection

    And some more reasons....

    19) Obamacare
    20) complex taxes
    21) banning gay marriage
    22) funding leftist propaganda
    23) $17T debt
    24) always expanding
    25) IRS

    We're almost done

    26) cops arresting people who videotape them
    27) not requiring loser-pays
    28) gambling bans
    29) Benghazi
    30) 1st graders being punished for having a TOY gun at recess
    31) excessive secrecy

    Only a few more I promise

    32) prostitution bans
    33) tons and tons of regulations
  4. Well when you put it like that..
  5. What a yes mans attitude wake buster, and I want a pet dragon eh :lol: you think you'll receive all of these? Goodluck because you're worse off than going to republican or even the democrat loons. Eliminate public schools after 2018 bro I won't give a ****. Guess the little kids in the intercity would be illiterate. I'm sorry that I don't want to spend thousands of dollars before even getting into a college. Banning gay marriage? Lock and synced you're out buddy boy not saying that I disagree but that'll never pass.
  6. Seriously though, **** the IRS. Nothing more ill-conceived than an income tax. Plus with the IRS blatant and unprecedented abuse of power... It needs to go and heads should have been rolling years ago.

    As far as building stuff in your own property... I interned in my county's zoning department (and let me just say government offices are the most unorganized and dysfunctional places imaginable) and I agree most of the regulations were just petty for what you could build on your own property. However, some people literally had their own private trash dumps. And while I could care less about how they lived or what they did with their land, it actually brought down property values for their neighbors. So I get it.

    Obamcare-well on it's way to a deserving repeal. What a **** show.

    Benghazi...well you know it's just a prime example of this administration's incompetence.

    The Welfare system has long been a disaster in dragging this country down. It shouldn't be easy to be dependent.
  7. well I DO NOT SUPPORT gay rights. Just my point o view. I think it's totally wrong.
  8. Why? What does it matter to you? Does the fact that someone's happiness is different than yours keep you awake at night? :|
  9. It's easier to point out the faults of something than to actually come up with a an efficient way to actually fix that problem. Sure the welfare system is awful, but does that mean I'm going to put my trust, my well being in the hands of a party that has never proved themselves? Hell no. Your reforms would never happen, Obama promised change where are we now? Not sure if you know politics but eh 95% of all politicians lie about what they're actually planning on doing. On the matter of gay rights, do whatever the hell you want to do behind closed doors have a wedding take your friends last name. If people don't want to see your PDA it shouldn't really offend you if someone tells you to stop or leave.
  10. True RB. Thats why Im under no one but my stubborn self :lol: If someone believes what I do then ill vote. Til then idc

    On that note, did you know less than 50% of all possible voters actually vote? Just a little fun fact of the day
  11. You know I am softening to the gay rights thing. Not because I see it as normal, just because if they want to be such a headache just give it to them. I still believe you can help those people (and believe me they could use it) but it isn't all that harmful. They just get certain marriage benefits that currently are only given to a heterosexual marriage. It's just detrimental to what we define as normal. A new normal could open the door to...other things to be declared "normal". And THAT, is the real harm. Kind of like the gateway drug of normals.
  12. I support gay rights just not gay "marriage" because marriage is between a man and a woman not a man and a man or a woman and woman just change the name to be more appropriate for the function.

  13. First of all it says in the bible in 1 Corinthians 5:1 that "It is actually reported that there is sexu.al immorality among you, and of a kind that is not TOLERATED even among pagans.
  14. But then again if gay people want marriage then they can be taxed just like man and women are no more singles if they are loving together so it would be a win win not a lose lose and the gay men can whistle fart and be proud of it
  15. Nice pic bro, but it still doesn't fix the flaws and ludicrous pleas of the libertarian policies.

    Also to the guy quoting the bible, never ever do that again. I'm Christian but bringing that up only brings up hate from atheists.
  16. There used to be a law saying that marriage was between a man and women. We considered the law unconstitutional and got rid of it but we won't just let them marry?

    What does it really matter?

    I really dont see the issue. If someone could make it clear
  18. What flaws are you speaking of? The promotion of free will and personal freedom?
  19. Thats what it is? Religion? Isnt there a separation between church and state? And since states decide marriage laws, shouldnt religion mean nothing in the decision of pro or anti gay marriage?