To be fair to the civil rights activist, they are trying to clean up the message. NAACP has highlighted a fundamental split with Black Lives Matter. This was displayed at a National convention in Philadelphia, PA. July 16. This was later recognized with Mayor O'Malley being booed at a convention for saying "all lives matter". Progressives have a problem on their hands. I personally have seen multiple attempts by leadership to change the "activist" brand. Even law enforcement officials, veterans, and retirees recognize that there is a problem. Some of the pressure you guys feel may be self induced by exposing yourself to the media. There is a easy solution to this. Turn CNN and Fox off. Stop searching for news about it. If you are in law enforcement just do the job the best you can.
Is this clown (psycho) serious?!? ...police should shoot 1st?!! ...then ask questions??? Idiot obviously doesn't understand the difference between a soldier and civilian law enforcement
Yes I have a long criminal record 52charges but that doesn't change anything. Every time you have fun boom these filthy animals arrest us and beat on us
I have a criminal record, convicted felon. Did dumb **** and got caught. I dont hold no grudges towards the police. Matter of fact, i now do charity events with my local sheriffs department a couple times a year and am friends with a lot them. I support my local p.d.
#BlackPeopleAreMagic Apparently we can magically get garbage bags into cells and grams of pot. Sandra's mug shot was taken on the ground. You can see bruised on her faded. Her first mugshot released to the public was unrecognizable, no human features, just black. Her documents were altered and suicidal was checked off. Why was she not on suicide watch if she was suicidal, and why would there be equipment accessible for suicide? Also since when does marijuana in the system affect someone later than one has been "incapacitated"? THC in the system does not mean that the person is stoned for upwards to 30 days that it remains in the system. That just means its still attached to your fat molecules. Sandra was murdered over a traffic violation. Our government and law enforcement is corrupt. Even a bill to not require labeling food containing GMO's was passed. No GMO containing food is labeled. Parents and guardians no longer know what they are feeding their children (unless it comes directly from the farms). Everything is corrupt. I hope there is a National Day of Rage. We as people need to unite again and fight for what we believe in. All this another race war. Media is trying to separate us by making it black vs white. This is an attack on the people. Good cops need to step out on this National Day of Rage and swear their allegiance to protect the people as Anonymous demands. If there are still good law enforcers they need to be present.
Hey Todd, A. Not from TX B. Are you saying that people in Texas are stupid? C. Are you saying I'm stupid for defending the police? Feel free to explain your potato logic.
This is because the media is making this a fight about race and not about a fight for our human rights.
Exactly. What happened to Eric was Wrong, but what happened to Kelly Thomas was worse, not that dying in any way was good. Those cops were aquitted of all charges, and let free.
Here is what you have wrong though.. Comparing two situations of a human struggle, death, torture, denial of human rights is wrong. There is no worse deal. They are all wrong, they are all just as bad. It's like having a bad childhood and someone coming up to you and saying "well at least you never had what happened to me when..." Your experiences are your experiences.
That may be so, but Kelly Thomas had his skull caved in, his face tazered, blood in his lungs, and he spent five days in a coma. Wrong or not, that is considerably worse in my eyes than being shot and killed. Again, no dying is good.
1. SuperTroopers is hilarious. 2. Grammar police. Spelling. 3. Apparently, there are more than 1.3 million 'sworn officers' in the U.S.A. and close to 2.5 millionish or more 'support personnel'? Close to 1 law enforcement personnel per 100 people. 4. Yes, the job can be gruelling and horrendous. 5. Yes, they are sometimes underappreciated. 6. Yes, they are heroic and save the day. 7. 99.9% of the job is boooorinh. 8. If they weren't such dicks and treat seatbelt violations and traffic infractions like you raped their spouse or molested their children and didn't shoot unarmed people first, and ask questions later, or tazer kids for smoking a joint or sitting at a bus stop, etc...then the general public wouldn't be as distrustful of law enforcement as law enforcement is as paranoid of the general public. Anyways, off to play in a cop softball league. Keg on second base. Health and happiness. Isolated incidents do not reflect on all individuals in any group.